No record yet.
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- Costin, A.B. (1954b). ’The species factor in ecology.’ Aust. J. Sci., 17: 82-83.
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- Costin, A.B. (1958). ’The grazing factor and the maintenance of catchment values in the Australian Alps.’ Div. of Plant Ind. Tech. Pap., No. 10, CSIRO, Australia.
- Costin, A.B. (1959). ’Vegetation of high mountains in Australia in relation to land use biogeography and ecology in Australia.’ Monographicae Biologicae, VIII: 427-451.
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- Costin A.B. (1967) Alpine ecosystems of the Australasian region. pp. 55-87 In: H.E. Wright and W.H. Osburn (eds.) Arctic and Alpine Environments Indiana University Press.
- Costin, A.B. (1970). ’Ecological hazards of the Snowy Mountains Scheme.’ Proc. Ecol. Soc. Aust., 5: 87-98.
- Costin A.B. (1972) Carbon-14 dates from the Snowy Mountains area, south-eastern Australia, and their interpretation. Quaternary Research 2, 579-590.
- Costin A.B. (1975) Sub-alpine and alpine communities. pp. 191-198 In: R.M. Moore (ed.) Australian Grasslands Australian National University. Press Canberra
- Costin, A.B. (1983). ’Mountain lands in the Australian region: some principles of use and management.’ Proc. Ecol. Soc. Aust., 12: 155-161.
- Costin, A.B. (1989). ’The Alps in a global perspective.’ In Good, R.B. (ed.) The scientific significance of the Australian Alps., Aust. Alps Liason Comm., 7-21.
- Costin, A.B. & Wimbush, D.J. (1961). ’Studies in catchment hydrology in the Australian Alps. IV. Interception by trees of rain, cloud and fog.’ Div. of plant Ind. Tech. Pap., No. 16. CSIRO, Australia.
- Costin, A.B. & Wimbush, D.J. (1963). ’Reaction of species to adverse conditions in the Snowy Mountains.’ CSIRO Div. of Plant Ind. Field Stat. Rec., 2: 19-30.
- Costin A. B., Wimbush D. J., Barrow M. D. & Lake P. (1969) Development of soil and vegetation climaxes in the Mount Kosciusko area, Australia. Vegetatio Acta Geobotanica 18, 273-288.
- Costin, A.B., Gay, L.W., Wimbush, D.J. & Kerr, D. (1961). ’Studies in catchment hydrology in the Australian Alps. III. Preliminary snow investigations.’ Div. of Plant Ind. Tech. Pap., No. 15. CSIRO, Australia.
- Costin, A.B., Gray, M., Totterdell, C.J. & Wimbush, D.J. (1979). Kosciusko Alpine Flora. CSIRO, Melbourne.
- Costin A.B., Hallsworth E.G. & Woof M. (1952) Studies in pedogenesis in New South Wales III. The alpine humus soils. J. Soil Sci. 3, 190-218.
- Costin, A.B., Wimbush, D.J. & Cromer, R.N. (1964). ’Studies in catchment hydrology in the Austraalian Alps. V. Soil moisture characteristics and evapotransporation.’ Div. of Plant Ind. Tech. Pap., No.20. CSIRO, Australia.
- Costin, A.B., Wimbush, D.J. & Kerr, D. (1960). ’Studies in catchment hydrology in the Australian Alps. II. Surface run-off and soil loss.’ Div. of Plant Ind. Tech. Pap., No. 14. CSIRO, Australia.
- Costin, A.B., Wimbush, D.J., Kerr, D. & Gay, L.W. (1959). ’Studies in catchment hydrology in the Australian Alps. I. Trends in soils and vegetation.’ Div. of Plant Ind. Tech. Pap., No. 13. CSIRO, Australia.
- Jennings J. N. & Costin A. B. (1978) Stone movement through snow creep, 1963-75 Mount Twynam, Snowy Mountains, Australia. Earth Surface Processes, 3, 3-22.