2011 Entered the Women in Science Hall of Fame
Sawalha, AF. Self-Medication with Antibiotics: A study in Palestine. [Accepted]. The International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine (2009).
Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Al-Aqad M Sana , Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW. Predictors of in-Hospital Mortality after Acute Stroke: Impact of Gender. [Accepted]. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (2009).
Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Al-Aqad SM, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW. The Epidemiology of Stroke in Northern Palestine: A One-Year, Hospital-Based Study. [Accepted]. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease. June 2008.
Sawalha, AF. Characterization of Hospitalized Ischemic Stroke Patients: A study in Palestine. [Accepted]. Lybian Journal of Medicine.
Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, , Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Abaas MA. Discharge Medications among Stroke Survivors: A Study in Palestine. [Accepted]. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases (2008).
Sawalha, AF. The Poison Control and Drug Information Center: The Palestinian Experience. IMAJ/ Toxicology 2008;10:757-760.
Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, , Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Shraim. Prevalence of reduced renal function among diabetic hypertensive patients. International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Pharmacology. 1;2009:23-29.
Sweileh WM, Sawalha AF, Zyoud SF, Al-Jabi SW, Tameem EJ. Patterns of Antihypertensive Therapy in Diabetic Patients with and without Reduced Renal Function. Saudi Journal of Kidney Disease and Transplantation. 17(6);2008:406-411
Sawalha AF, Sweileh WM, Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW. Self-Therapy Practices among University Students in Palestine: Focus on Herbal Remedies. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2008, in press.
Sawalha A.F. A descriptive study of self-medication practices among Palestinian medical and non-medical university students. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2008 Jun;4(2):164-172.
Sweileh W.M., Sawalha A.F., Al_janem S. , Zyoud S.H., Abu-Taha A.S., Al-jabi S.W., Jaradat N.A., Zaid A.N. Medication dosing errors in hospitalized patients with renal impairment: a study in Palestine. Pharmaco-epidemiology and drug safety. 16(8);2007:908-912.
Sawalha A.F. Storage and utilization patterns of cleaning products in the home: Toxicity implications. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2007. Vol 39:1186-1191.
Sawalha A.F. Consumption of Prescription and non-Prescription Medications by
Pregnant Women: A Cross Sectional Study in Palestine. Islamic University Journal. 2007,
Vol 15 (2) 41-57.
Sweileh W.M., Sawalha A.F., AL-HajAbed R.M., Rabba A.K. Utilization of anti-infective agents measured in “Defined Daily Dose” (DDD): A study in Palestine. Islamic University Journal. 2007, Vol 15(2):59-66.
Sawalha, A: Complementary and alternative medicine in Palestine: Use and safety implications. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicne, Vol 13(2), 2007:263-269
Sawalha A.F., Sweileh W.M., Zyoud S.H., Al-Jabi S.W. Antidote stocking at hospitals in north Palestine. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. Vol 4(4), 2006.
Sweileh W.M., Sawalha A.F., Salfeete S., Zyoud S.H., Abu-Taha A.S., Al-jabi S.W., Jaradat N.A., and Zaid A.N. Admission blood glucose levels a potential indicator for short term mortality and morbidity after myocardial infarction. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. Vol 26(3),2006:116-121.
Sweileh W.M, Jaradat N.A., Elawee M.M., Al-Shakhsheer A.M., Sawalha A.F, Al-Ramahi R.J, and Zaid A.N. Drug interactions and risk of bleeding among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) discharged with warfarin, An-najah Univ journal for Research (N. Sci). Vol 20, 2006:127-134.
Sawalha, A., Al-Bishtawi, G., Al-Khayyat, L.,. Sweileh, W., Al-Ramahi, R., &
Jaradat, N.: Pattern of Parenteral Antimicrobial prescription among Pediatric
patients in Al-Watani Government Hospital in Palestine. An-Najah University Journal for Research (N. Sci), vol 20, 2006:193-208.
Sweileh, W. M., Sawalha, A.F., and Jaradat, N.A., Extent of potential drug interactions among patients receiving anti-hypertensive medications. Saudi medical journal. 2005, 26,(4), 548-552.
Sweileh, W., Shkokani, F., Sawalha, A., Al-Ramahi, R., Jaradat, N., Zaid, A., and Barakat, A. : Prescribing pattern of angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors and beta blockers after acute myocardial infarction. Saudi Medical Journal 2005; Vol. 26 (11): 1837-1839.
Sawalha, A.F., Everitt, J.I., Meussen, E., Monks, T.J., and Lau, S.S.: Tissue arylation and oxidation correlates with the region of injury and repair in quinol-thioether treated rats. The Toxicologist(1998).
Lau, S.S., Sawalha, A.F., Halpert, J.R., Koop, D.R., and Monks, T.J.: Cytochrome P450 catalyzed oxidation of hydroquinone in rodents and human microsomes. The Toxicologist. 36, 23 (1997).
Sawalha, A.F., Monks, T.J., and Lau, S.S.: Isoform-specific cytochrome P450-mediated oxidation of hydroquinone, The Toxicologist. 30, 320 (1996).