Erwin Neher

Erwin Neher is a German Biophysicist. He is a Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1991. Erwin Neher received the Nobel Prize with Bert Sakmann for their work on the function of the single ion channels in cells i.e. how the cells communicate. Sakmann and Neher also developed the patch clamp technique which helped to measure the electrical current produced in the ion channels. Developments in functions of ion channels have helped in finding the cause of cystic fibrosis, diabetes, epilepsy and other neuromuscular disorders.

Erwin Neher was awarded the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize from Columbia University 1987 and the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1987. He received both awards together with Bert Sakmann.

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Biologist BIOLOGIST (Ion channels in cells)
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1991 Nobel Prize for Medicine / Physiology together with B. Sakmann

1995 Member of the Order ”Pour le Mérite”

1986 Leibniz Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / DFG

since 1989 Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences USA

1990 Humboldt-Mutis-Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Ministry of Education and Science, Spain

since 1991 Fellow of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences

since 1994 Foreign Member of the Royal Society, London

2009 Honorary Member of the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, Spain

1. Haucke, V., E. Neher and S. J. Sigrist: Protein scaffolds in the coupling of synaptic exocytosis and endocytosis. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 12, 127-138 (2011)

2. Hua, Y., R. Sinha, C. Thiel, R. Schmidt, J. Hueve, H. Martens, S. W. Hell, A. Egner and J. Klingauf: A readily retrievable pool of synaptic vesicles. Nature Neuroscience 14, 833-839 (2011)

3. Lee, B. B.: Visual pathways and psychophysical channels in the primate. Journal of Physiology 589, 41-47 (2011)

4. Lee, B. B., H. Sun and A. Valberg: Segregation of chromatic and luminance signals using a novel grating stimulus. Journal of Physiology 589, 59-73 (2011)

5. Neher, E.: Quantitative aspects of calcium fluorimetry. In: Imaging: a laboratory manual, (Ed.) Rafael, Y., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York (2011) 417-426

6. Swanson, W. H., H. Sun, B. B. Lee and D. Cao: Responses of primate retinal ganglion cells to perimetric stimuli. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 52, 764-771 (2011) 2010

7. Bao, J.: The role of short-term synaptic plasticity in neuronal microcircuit. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2010)

8. Boening, D., T. W. Groemer and J. Klingauf: Applicability of an EM-CCD for spatially resolved TIR-ICS. Optics Express 18, 13516-13528 (2010)

9. Hua, Y., R. Sinha, M. Martineau, M. Kahms and J. Klingauf: A common origin of synaptic vesicles undergoing evoked and spontaneous fusion. Nature Neuroscience 13, 1451-1453 (2010)

10. Kawabe, H., A. Neeb, K. Dimova, S. M. Young, M. Takeda, S. Katsurabayashi, M. Mitkovski, O. A. Malakhova, D. Zhang, M. Umikawa, K. Kariya, S. Goebbels, K. A. Nave, C. Rosenmund, O. Jahn, J. S. Rhee and N. Brose: Regulation of Rap2A by the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-1 controls neurite development. Neuron 65, 358-372 (2010)

11. Lee, B. B., P. R. Martin and U. Gruenert: Retinal connectivity and primate vision. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 29, 622-639 (2010)

12. Lee, B. B., H. Sun and D. C. Cao: Macaque ganglion cell responses to probe stimuli on modulated backgrounds. Journal of Vision 10, 26-1-26-14 (2010)

13. Loura, L. M. S., F. Fernandes and M. Prieto: Membrane microheterogeneity: Förster resonance energy transfer characterization of lateral membrane domains. European Biophysics Journal 39, 589-607 (2010)

14. Loura, L. M. S., M. Prieto and F. Fernandes: Quantification of protein-lipid selectivity using FRET. European Biophysics Journal 39, 565-578 (2010)

15. Mohrmann, R., H. de Wit, M. Verhage, E. Neher and J. B. Soerensen: Fast vesicle fusion in living cells requires at least three SNARE complexes. Science 330, 502-505 (2010)

16. Neher, E.: Complexin: Does it deserve its name? Neuron 68, 803-806 (2010)

17. Neher, E.: What is rate-limiting during sustained synaptic activity: vesicle supply or the availability of release sites. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 2, 1-6 (2010)

18. Weber, J. P., K. Reim and J. B. Soerensen: Opposing functions of two sub-domains of the SNARE-complex in neurotransmission. The EMBO Journal 29, 2477-2490 (2010)

19. Woehler, A., J. Wlodarczyk and E. Neher: Signal/noise analysis of FRET-based sensors. Biophysical Journal 99, 2344-2354 (2010) 2009

20. Brose, N. and E. Neher: Flowers for synaptic endocytosis. Cell 138, 836-837 (2009)

21. de Wit, H., A. M. Walter, I. Milosevic, A. Gulyas-Kovacs, D. Riedel, J. B. Soerensen and M. Verhage: Synaptotagmin-1 docks secretory vesicles to syntaxin-1/SNAP-25 acceptor complexes. Cell 138, 935-946 (2009)

22. Lee, B. B. and H. Sun: The chromatic input to cells of the magnocellular pathway of primates. Journal of Vision 9, 15 (2009)

23. Neher, R. A., M. Mitkovski, F. Kirchhoff, E. Neher, F. J. Theis and A. Zeug: Blind source separation techniques for the decomposition of multiply labeled fluorescence images. Biophysical Journal 96, 3791-3800 (2009)

24. Walter, A.: The timing of the final assembly of the SNARE complex in exocytosis. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2009)

25. Weber, J.: SNARE´s in evoked and spontaneous neurotransmission. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2009)

26. Woehler, A., J. Wlodarczyk and E. G. Ponimaskin: Specific oligomerization of the 5-HT1A receptor in the plasma membrane. In: Glycoconjugate Journal, 26, 6, (2009) 749-756

27. Young, S. M. and E. Neher: Synaptotagmin has an essential function in synaptic vesicle positioning for synchronous release in addition to its role as a calcium sensor. Neuron 63, 482-496 (2009) 2008

28. Gekel, I. and E. Neher: Application of an Epac activator enhances neurotransmitter release at excitatory central synapses. The Journal of Neuroscience 28, 7991-8002 (2008)

29. Gekel, I.: Epac-mediated modulation of neurotransmitter release from cultured hippocampal neurons. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2008)

30. Hosoi, N., T. Sakaba and E. Neher: Contribution of vesicle recruitment and dynamic change of release probability during short-term plasticity at the calyx of Held. In: Neuroscience Research, 61 (2008) S76

31. Kobe, F., U. Renner, A. Woehler, P. Wlodarczyk, E. Papusheva, G. Bao, A. Zeug, D. W. Richter, E. Neher and E. Ponimaskin: Stimulation- and palmitoylation-dependent changes in oligomeric conformation of serotonin 5-HT1A receptors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Cell Research 1783, 1503-1516 (2008)

32. Lee, B. B., V. C. Smith, J. Pokorny and H. Sun: Chromatic adaptation in red–green cone-opponent retinal ganglion cells of the macaque. Vision Research 48, 2625-2632 (2008)

33. Lee, B. B.: Neural models and physiological reality. Visual Neuroscience 25, 231-240 (2008)

34. Lou, X. L., N. Korogod, N. Brose and R. Schneggenburger: Phorbol esters modulate spontaneous and Ca2+-evoked transmitter release via acting on both Munc13 and protein kinase C. Journal of Neuroscience 28, 8257-8267 (2008)

35. Neher, E. and T. Sakaba: Multiple roles of calcium ions in the regulation of neurotransmitter release. Neuron 59, 861-872 (2008)

36. Neher, E.: Details of Ca2+ dynamics matter. In: The Journal of Physiology, 586, 8, (2008) 2031

37. Neher, E.: A biophysical dissection of neurotransmitter release at a glutamatergic synapse. In: Cell Biology International, 32, 3, (2008) S3

38. Smith, V. C., J. Pokorny, B. B. Lee and D. M. Dacey: Sequential processing in vision: the interaction of sensitivity regulation and temporal dynamics. Vision Research 48, 2649-2656 (2008)

39. Sun, H., B. B. Lee and R. C. Baraas: Systematic misestimation in a vernier task arising from contrast mismatch. Visual Neuroscience 25, 365-370 (2008)

40. Tailby, C., B. A. Szmajda, P. Buzas, B. B. Lee and P. R. Martin: Transmission of blue (S) cone signals through the primate lateral geniculate nucleus. The Journal of Physiology 586, 5947-5967 (2008)

41. Wadel, K.: The mechanism mediating fast neurotransmitter release at the calyx of Held synapse. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2008)

42. Wang, L. Y., E. Neher and H. Taschenberger: Synaptic vesicles in mature calyx of Held synapses sense higher nanodomain calcium concentrations during action potential-evoked glutamate release. The Journal of Neuroscience 28, 14450-14458 (2008)

43. Wlodarczyk, J., A. Woehler, F. Kobe, E. Ponimaskin, A. Zeug and E. Neher: Analysis of FRET-signals in the presence of free donors and acceptors. Biophysical Journal 94, 986-1000 (2008) 2007

44. Bao, J. and D. Bibitchkov: Information content of synapses with realistic short-term dynamics. In: Neuroscience Research, 58, Suppl.1, (2007) S133

45. Delgado-Martinez, I.: Functional Studies of SNAP-25 using a knock-out and rescue approach. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2007)

46. Erazo Fischer, E., J. Striessnig and H. Taschenberger: The role of physiological afferent nerve activity during in vivo maturation of the calyx of held synapse. Journal of Neuroscience 27, 1725-1737 (2007)

47. Erazo Fischer, E.: The role of auditory sensory input during functional pre- and postsynaptic maturation of the calyx of Held synapse. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2007)

48. Hosoi, N., T. Sakaba and E. Neher: Quantitative analysis of calcium-dependent vesicle recruitment and its functional role at the calyx of held synapse. The Journal of Neuroscience 27, 14286-14298 (2007)

49. Kaufmann, S.: Funktionelle Charakterisierung der synaptischen Transmission in APP/APLP1/APLP2-defizienten Mäusen. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2007)

50. Neher, E.: A biophysical dissection of neurotransmitter release at a glutamatergic synapse. In: Journal of Neurochemistry, 102, Suppl. 1, (2007) 236

51. Neher, E.: Short-term plasticity turns plastic. Focus on ”Synaptic transmission at the Calyx of Held under In vivo-like activity levels”. Journal of Neurophysiology 98, 577-578 (2007)

52. Neher, E., N. Hosoi and T. Sakaba: Modeling of synaptic vesicle dynamics at the calyx of held. In: Biophysical Journal, (2007) 170A

53. Scheuss, V., H. Taschenberger and E. Neher: Kinetics of both synchronous and asynchronous quantal release during trains of action-potential evoked EPSCs at the rat calyx of Held. The Journal of Physiology 585, 361-381 (2007)

54. Seim, T., A. Valberg and B. B. Lee: A neural model of lightness and brightness scaling. In: Perception, 36, Suppl. S, (2007) 212

55. Wadel, K., E. Neher and T. Sakaba: The coupling between synaptic vesicles and Ca2+ channels determines fast neurotransmitter release. Neuron 53, 563-575 (2007) 2006

56. Kochubey, O.: Probing modes of vesicle docking in neurosecretory cells with evanescent wave microscopy. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2006)

57. Milosevic, I.: Spatial and temporal aspects of PI(4,5)P2 and SNAREs in exocytosis studied using isolated membrane sheets and capacitance measurements. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2006)

58. Nagy, G., J. H. Kim, Z. P. Pang, U. Matti, J. Rettig, T. C. Suedhof and J. B. Soerensen: Different effects on fast exocytosis induced by synaptotagmin 1 and 2 isoforms and abundance but not by phosphorylation. Journal of Neuroscience 26, 632-643 (2006)

59. Neher, E.: A comparison between exocytic control mechanisms in adrenal chromaffin cells and a glutamatergic synapse. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 453, 261-268 (2006)

60. Solomon, S. G., B. B. Lee and H. Sun: Suppressive surrounds and contrast gain in magnocellular-pathway retinal ganglion cells of macaque. Journal of Neuroscience 26, 8715-8726 (2006)

61. Sun, H., H. Smithson, Q. Zaidi and B. B. Lee: Specificity of cone inputs to macaque ganglion cells. Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 837-849 (2006)

62. Sun, H., H. Smithson, Q. Zaidi and B. B. Lee: Do magnocellular and parvocellular ganglion cells avoid short-wavelength cone input? Visual Neuroscience 23, 441-446 (2006)

63. Wienisch, M.: Visualization of synaptic vesicle protein recycling during exo-endocytosis at individual hippocampal boutons. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2006) 2005

64. Kunken, J. M., H. Sun and B. B. Lee: Macaque ganglion cells, light adaptation, and the Westheimer paradigm. Vision Research 45, 329-341 (2005)

65. Lee, B. B., L. Ruettiger and H. Sun: Comparison of ganglion cell signals and psychophysical localization of moving targets can help define central motion mechanisms. Perception 34, 975-981 (2005)

66. Lemke, E.: Probing vesicle dynamics within small synapses. University of Goettingen, Goettingen (2005)

67. Milosevic, I., J. B. Soerensen, T. Lang, M. Krauss, G. Nagy, V. Haucke, R. Jahn and E. Neher: Plasmalemmal phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate level regulates the releasable vesicle pool size in chromaffin cells. Journal of Neuroscience 25, 2557-2565 (2005)

68. Neher, E.: Some quantitative aspects of calcium fluorimetry. In: Imaging in neuroscience and development, (Eds.) Yuste, Y.; Konnerth, A., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr., Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. (2005) 245-252

69. Renden, R., H. Taschenberger, N. Puente, D. A. Rusakov, R. Duvoisin, L. Y. Wang, K. P. Lehre and H. von Gersdorff: Glutamate transporter studies reveal the pruning of metabotropic glutamate receptors and absence of AMPA receptor desensitization at mature calyx of held synapses. Journal of Neuroscience 25, 8482-8497 (2005)

70. Sakaba, T., A. Stein, R. Jahn and E. Neher: Distinct kinetic changes in neurotransmitter release after SNARE protein cleavage. Science 309, 491-494 (2005)

71. Schneggenburger, R. and E. Neher: Presynaptic calcium and control of vesicle fusion. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 15, 266-274 (2005)

72. Solomon, S. G., B. B. Lee, A. J. R. White, L. Ruettiger and P. R. Martin: Chromatic organization of ganglion cell receptive fields in the peripheral retina. Journal of Neuroscience 25, 4527-4539 (2005)

73. Speidel, D., C. E. Bruederle, C. Enk, T. Voets, F. Varoqueaux, K. Reim, U. Becherer, F. Fornal, S. Ruggieri, Y. Holighaus, E. Weihe, D. Bruns, N. Brose and J. Rettig: CAPS1 regulates catecholamine loading of large dense-core vesicles. Neuron 46, 75-88 (2005)

74. Taschenberger, H., V. Scheuss and E. Neher: Release kinetics, quantal parameters and their modulation during short-term depression at a developing synapse in the rat CNS. Journal of Physiology-London 568, 513-537 (2005) 2004

75. Felmy, F. and R. Schneggenburger: Developmental expression of the Ca2+-binding proteins calretinin and parvalbumin at the calyx of Held of rats and mice. European Journal of Neuroscience 20, 1473-1482 (2004)

76. Fernandez-Chacon, R., M. Woelfel, H. Nishimune, L. Tabares, F. Schmitz, M. Castellano-Munoz, C. Rosenmund, M. L. Montesinos, J. R. Sanes, R. Schneggenburger and T. C. Suedhof: The synaptic vesicle protein CSP alpha prevents presynaptic degeneration. Neuron 42, 237-251 (2004)

77. Hegener, O., R. Jordan and H. Haeberlein: Dye-labeled benzodiazepines: Development of small ligands for receptor binding studies using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 47, 3600-3605 (2004)

78. Kushmerick, C., G. D. Price, H. Taschenberger, N. Puente, R. Renden, J. I. Wadiche, R. Duvoisin, P. Grandes and H. von Gersdorff: Retroinhibition of presynaptic Ca2+ currents by endocannabinoids released via postsynaptic mGluR activation at a calyx synapse. Journal of Neuroscience 24, 5955-5965 (2004)

79. Lee, B. B. and H. Sun: Chromatic input to cells of the magnocellular pathway: Mean chromaticity and the relative phase of modulated lights. Visual Neuroscience 21, 309-314 (2004)

80. Lee, B. B.: Paths to color in the retina. Australian Journal of Optometry 87, 239-248 (2004)

81. Loerke, D.: Molecular dynamics of clathrin proteins at endocytic sites studied with evanescent-wave microscopy. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2004)

82. Meyer, A.: Untersuchungen zur Funktion der präsynaptischen Zytomatrixproteine Piccolo und Bassoon. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2004)

83. Mueller, V.: Imaging of molecular events during endocytosis in hippocampal synapses. University of Goettingen, Biological Faculty, Goettingen (2004)

84. Mueller, V., M. Wienisch, R. Nehring and J. Klingauf: Monitoring clathrin-mediated endocytosis during synaptic activity. Journal of Neuroscience 24, 2004-2012 (2004)

85. Nagy, G., K. Reim, U. Matti, N. Brose, T. Binz, J. Rettig, E. Neher and J. B. Soerensen: Regulation of releasable vesicle pool sizes by protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation of SNAP-25. Neuron 41, 417-429 (2004)

86. Neher, R. and E. Neher: Applying spectral fingerprinting to the analysis of FRET images. Microscopy Research and Technique 64, 185-195 (2004)

87. Neher, R. and E. Neher: Optimizing imaging parameters for the separation of multiple labels in a fluorescence image. Journal of Microscopy-Oxford 213, 46-62 (2004)

88. Rah, J. C.: The regulatory role of syntaxin 1N-gterminal conformation in vesicle priming and exocytosis. University of Goettingen, Biological Faculty, Goettingen (2004)

89. Soerensen, J. B.: Formation, stabilisation and fusion of the readily releasable pool of secretory vesicles. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 448, 347-362 (2004)

90. Sun, H. and B. B. Lee: A single mechanism for both luminance and chromatic grating vernier tasks: Evidence from temporal summation. Visual Neuroscience 21, 315-320 (2004)

91. Sun, H., H. Smithson, B. B. Lee and Q. Zaidi: A new technique for measuring cone inputs to visual neurons. In: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 45, Suppl. 2, (2004) U413

92. Sun, H., L. Ruettiger and B. B. Lee: The spatiotemporal precision of ganglion cell signals: a comparison of physiological and psychophysical performance with moving gratings. Vision Research 44, 19-33 (2004)

93. Toepert, C.: Struktur des KCNJ14-Gens und funktionelle Bedeutung der Kir2.4-Kanaluntereinheit beim Menschen und der Maus. Universität Hannover, Hannover (2004)

94. Woelfel, M.: Analysis of two kinetically distinct components of transmitter release at a fast synapse of the mammalian central nervous system. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (2004)

95. Wojcik, S. M., J. S. Rhee, E. Herzog, A. Sigler, R. Jahn, S. Takamori, N. Brose and C. Rosenmund: An essential role for vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) in postnatal development and control of quantal size. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101, 7158-7163 (2004) 2003

96. Altrock, W. D., S. T. Dieck, M. Sokolov, A. C. Meyer, A. Sigler, C. Brakebusch, R. Fassler, K. Richter, T. M. Boeckers, H. Potschka, C. Brandt, W. Loscher, D. Grimberg, T. Dresbach, A. Hempelmann, H. Hassan, D. Balschun, J. U. Frey, J. H. Brandstaetter, C. C. Garner, C. Rosenmund and E. D. Gundelfinger: Functional inactivation of a fraction of excitatory synapses in mice deficient for the active zone protein bassoon. Neuron 37, 787-800 (2003)

97. Brede, M., G. Nagy, M. Philipp, J. B. Soerensen, M. J. Lohse and L. Hein: Differential control of adrenal and sympathetic catecholamine release by alpha(2)-adrenoceptor subtypes. Molecular Endocrinology 17, 1640-1646 (2003)

98. Choi, S., J. Klingauf and R. W. Tsien: Fusion pore modulation as a presynaptic mechanism contributing to expression of long-term potentiation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 358, 695-705 (2003)

99. Felmy, F.: Einfluss der synaptischen Faszilitierung und der präsynaptischen Membranspannung auf die Ca2+-Abhängigkeit der Transmitterfreisetzung an der Held’schen Calyxsynapse. Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen (2003)

100. Felmy, F., E. Neher and R. Schneggenburger: Probing the intracellular calcium sensitivity of transmitter release during synaptic facilitation. Neuron 37, 801-811 (2003)

101. Lee, B. B.: Structure of receptive field centers of midget retinal ganglion cells. In: Normal and defective colour vision, (Eds.) Mollon, J.D.; Knoblauch, K.; Pokorny, J., Oxford Univ. Pr., Oxford (2003) 61-68

102. Lee, B. B., D. M. Dacey, V. C. Smith and J. Pokorny: Dynamics of sensitivity regulation in primate outer retina: The horizontal cell network. Journal of Vision 3, 513-526 (2003)

103. Neher, E. and T. Sakaba: Combining deconvolution and fluctuation analysis to determine quantal parameters and release rates. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 130, 143-157 (2003)

104. Sakaba, T. and E. Neher: Direct modulation of synaptic vesicle priming by GABA(B) receptor activation at a glutamatergic synapse. Nature 424, 775-778 (2003)

105. Sakaba, T. and E. Neher: Involvement of actin polymerization in vesicle recruitment at the calyx of Held synapse. Journal of Neuroscience 23, 837-846 (2003)

106. Silveira, L. C. L., C. A. Saito, B. B. Lee, J. Kremers, M. da Silva, B. E. Kilavik, E. S. Yamada and V. H. Perry: Morphology and physiology of primate M- and P-cells. Roots of Visual Awareness 144, 21-46 (2003)

107. Soerensen, J. B., R. Fernandez-Chacon, T. C. Suedhof and E. Neher: Examining synaptotagmin 1 function in dense core vesicle exocytosis under direct control of Ca2+. Journal of General Physiology 122, 265-276 (2003)

108. Soerensen, J. B., G. Nagy, F. Varoqueaux, R. Nehring, N. Brose, M. C. Wilson and E. Neher: Differential control of the releasable vesicle pools by SNAP-25 splice variants and SNAP-23. Cell 114, 75-86 (2003)

109. Sun, H., L. Ruettiger and B. B. Lee: Coding of position of achromatic and chromatic edges by retinal ganglion cells. In: Normal and defective colour vision, (Eds.) Mollon, J.D.; Knoblauch, K.; Pokorny, J., Oxford Univ. Pr., Oxford (2003) 77-88

110. Sun, H., L. Ruettiger and B. B. Lee: Coding of position of achromatic and chromatic edges by retinal ganglion cells. In: Normal and defective color vision, (Eds.) Mollon, J.D.; Pokorny, J.; Knoblauch, K., Oxford Univ. Pr., Oxford (2003) 77-88

111. Trommershaeuser, J., R. Schneggenburger, A. Zippelius and E. Neher: Heterogeneous presynaptic release probabilities: Functional relevance for short-term plasticity. Biophysical Journal 84, 1563-1579 (2003) 2002

112. Brose, N. and E. Neher: Specificity emerges in the dissection of diacylglycerol- and protein kinase C-mediated signalling pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99, 16522-16523 (2002)

113. Doering, F., E. Wischmeyer, R. P. Kuehnlein, H. Jaeckle and A. Karschin: Inwardly rectifying K+ (Kir) channels in Drosophila – A crucial role of cellular milieu factors for Kir channel function. Journal of Biological Chemistry 277, 25554-25561 (2002)

114. Joost, U., B. B. Lee and Q. Zaidi: Lichtenberg’s letter to Goethe on ”Farbige Schatten” – Commentary. Color Research and Application 27, 300-301 (2002)

115. Larsen, E. H., J. B. Soerensen and J. N. Sorensen: Analysis of the sodium recirculation theory of solute-coupled water transport in small intestine. Journal of Physiology-London 542, 33-50 (2002)

116. Nagy, G., U. Matti, R. Nehring, T. Binz, J. Rettig, E. Neher and J. B. Soerensen: Protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of synaptosome- associated protein of 25 kDa at Ser(187) potentiates vesicle recruitment. Journal of Neuroscience 22, 9278-9286 (2002)

117. Passaglia, C. L., J. B. Troy, L. Ruettiger and B. B. Lee: Orientation sensitivity of ganglion cells in primate retina. Vision Research 42, 683-694 (2002)

118. Rettig, J. and E. Neher: Emerging roles of presynaptic proteins in Ca++-triggered exocytosis. Science 298, 781-785 (2002)

119. Sakaba, T., R. Schneggenburger and E. Neher: Estimation of quantal parameters at the calyx of Held synapse. Neuroscience Research 44, 343-356 (2002)

120. Scheuss, V., R. Schneggenburger and E. Neher: Separation of presynaptic and postsynaptic contributions to depression by covariance analysis of successive EPSCs at the calyx of Held synapse. Journal of Neuroscience 22, 728-739 (2002)

121. Schneggenburger, R., T. Sakaba and E. Neher: Vesicle pools and short-term synaptic depression: lessons from a large synapse. Trends in Neurosciences 25, 206-212 (2002)

122. Soerensen, J. B., U. Matti, S. H. Wei, R. Nehring, T. Voets, U. Ashery, T. Binz, E. Neher and J. Rettig: The SNARE protein SNAP-25 is linked to fast calcium triggering of exocytosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99, 1627-1632 (2002)

123. Solomon, S. G., P. R. Martin, A. J. R. White, L. Ruettiger and B. B. Lee: Modulation sensitivity of ganglion cells in peripheral retina of macaque. Vision Research 42, 2893-2898 (2002)

124. van Hateren, J. H., L. Ruettiger, H. Sun and B. B. Lee: Processing of natural temporal stimuli by macaque retinal ganglion cells. Journal of Neuroscience 22, 9945-9960 (2002)

125. White, A. J. R., H. Sun, W. H. Swanson and B. B. Lee: An examination of physiological mechanisms underlying the frequency-doubling illusion. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 43, 3590-3599 (2002) 2001

126. Betz, A., P. Thakur, H. J. Junge, U. Ashery, J. S. Rhee, V. Scheuss, C. Rosenmund, J. Rettig and N. Brose: Functional interaction of the active zone proteins Munc 13-1 and RIM 1 in synaptic vesicle priming. Neuron 30, 183-196 (2001)

127. Beutner, D. and T. Moser: The presynayptic function of mouse cochlear inner hair cells during development of hearing. Journal of Neuroscience 21, 4593-4599 (2001)

128. Beutner, D., T. Voets, E. Neher and T. Moser: Calcium dependence of exocytosis and endocytosis at the cochlear inner hair cell afferent synapse. Neuron 29, 681-690 (2001)

129. Chheda, M. G., U. Ashery, P. Thakur, J. Rettig and Z. H. Sheng: Phosphorylation of snapin by PKA modulates its interaction with the SNARE complex. Nature Cell Biology 3, 331-338 (2001)

130. Hopt, A. and E. Neher: Highly nonlinear photodamage in two-photon fluorescence microscopy. Biophysical Journal 80, 2029-2036 (2001)

131. Lee, B. B.: Colour Science in Göttingen in the eighteenth century. Color Research and Application 26, S 25-27 (2001)

132. Mansour, M., N. Nagarajan, R. Nehring, J. D. Clements and C. Rosenmund: Heteromeric AMPA receptors assemble with a preferred subunit stoichiometry and spatial arrangement. Neuron 32, 841-853 (2001)

133. Meyer, A. C., E. Neher and R. Schneggenburger: Estimation of quantal size and number of functional active zones at the calyx of Held synapse by nonstationary EPSC variance analysis. Journal of Neuroscience 21, 7889-7900 (2001)

134. Neher, E.: Calcium signals and synaptic short term plasticity in the central nervous system. Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina 118, 677-693 (2001)

135. Neher, E.: Calciumsignale und Synaptische Kurzzeitplastizität im Zentralnervensystem. Jahrbuch Leopoldina 46, 317-329 (2001)

136. Neher, E.: Molecular biology meets microelectronics. Nature Biotechnology 19, 114 (2001)

137. Neher, E. and T. Sakaba: Estimating transmitter release rates from postsynaptic current fluctuations. Journal of Neuroscience 21, 9638-9654 (2001)

138. Neher, E. and T. Sakaba: Combining deconvolution and noise analysis for the estimation of transmitter release rates at the calyx of Held. Journal of Neuroscience 21, 444-461 (2001)

139. Packer, O., L. C. Diller, J. Verweij, B. B. Lee, J. Pokorny, D. R. Williams, D. M. Dacey and D. H. Brainard: Characterization and use of a digital light projector for vision research. Vision Research 41, 427-39 (2001)

140. Pokorny, J., V. C. Smith and B. B. Lee: Chromaticity and temporal sensitivity of macaque ganglion cells. Color Research and Application 26, S 140-144 (2001)

141. Rozov, A., N. Burnashev, B. Sakmann and E. Neher: Transmitter release modulation by intracellular Ca++ buffers in facilitating and depressing nerve terminals of pyramidal cells in layer 2/3 of the rat neocortex indicates a target cell specific difference in presynaptic calcium dynamics. Journal of Physiology 531, 807-826 (2001)

142. Sakaba, T. and E. Neher: Preferential potentiation of fast-releasing synaptic vesicles by cAMP at the calyx of Held. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98, 331-336 (2001)

143. Sakaba, T. and E. Neher: Quantitative relationship between transmitter release and calcium current at the calyx of Held synapse. Journal of Neuroscience 21, 462-476 (2001)

144. Sakaba, T. and E. Neher: Calmodulin mediates rapid recruitment of fast-releasing synaptic vesicles at a calyx-type synapse. Neuron 32, 1119-1131 (2001)

145. Scheuss, V. and E. Neher: Estimating synaptic parameters from mean variance, and covariance in trains of synaptic responses. Biophysical Journal 81, 1970-1989 (2001)

146. Smith, V. C., D. M. Dacey, J. Pokorny and B. B. Lee: The temporal response of primate horizontal cells. Journal of Neurophysiology 85, 545-558 (2001)

147. Smith, V. C., J. Pokorny, V. C. W. Sun and B. B. Lee: Long wavelength chromatic modulation alterspsychophysical S-cone sensitivity but not the sensitivity of S-(L+M) ganglion cells. Color Research and Application 26, S 150-156 (2001)

148. Thomzig, A., M. Wenzel, C. Karschin, M. J. Eaton, S. N. Skatchkov, A. Karschin and R. W. Veh: Kir6.1 is the principal pore-forming subunit of astrocyte but not neuronal plasma membrane K-ATP channels. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 18, 671-690 (2001)

149. Tobaben, S., P. Thakur, R. Fernandez-Chacon, T. C. Suedhof, J. Rettig and B. Stahl: A trimeric protein complex functions as a synaptic chaperone machine. Neuron 31, 581-591 (2001)

150. Voets, T., T. Moser, P. E. Lund, R. H. Chow, M. Geppert, T. C. Suedhof and E. Neher: Intracellular calcium dependence of large dense-core vesicle exocytosis in the absence of synaptotagmin I. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98, 11680 (2001)

151. Voets, T., R. F. Toonen, E. C. Brian, H. de Wit, T. Moser, J. Rettig, T. C. Suedhof, E. Neher and M. Verhage: Munc18-1 promotes larger dense-core vesicle docking. Neuron 31, 581-591 (2001) 2000

152. Albillos, A., E. Neher and T. Moser: R-Type Ca2+ channels are coupled to the rapid component of secretion in mouse adrenal slice chromaffin cells. Journal of Neuroscience 20, 8323-8330 (2000)

153. Ashery, U., F. Varoqueaux, T. Voets, A. Betz, P. Thakur, H. Koch, E. Neher, N. Brose and J. Rettig: Munc13-1 acts as a priming factor for large densecore vesicles in bovine chromaffin cells. EMBO Journal 19, 3586-3596 (2000)

154. Boedding, M.: Histamine evoked sustained elevations of cytosolic Ca2+ in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells independently of Ca2+ entry. Cell Calcium 27, 139-151 (2000)

155. Dinkelacker, V., T. Voets, E. Neher and T. Moser: The readily releasable pool of vesicles in chromaffin cells is replenished in a temperature-dependent manner and transiently overfills at 37° C. Journal of Neuroscience 20, 8377-8383 (2000)

156. Doering, F. and A. Karschin: Genomic structure and promoter analysis of the rat Kir7.1 potassium channel gene (Kcnj13). FEBS Letters 483, 93-98 (2000)

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158. Lao, G., V. Scheuss, C. Gerwin, Q. Su, S. Mochida, J. Rettig and Z. H. Sheng: Syntaphilin: A Syntaxin-1 clamp that controls SNARE assembly. Neuron 25, 191-201 (2000)

159. Lee, S. H., C. Rosenmund, B. Schwaller and E. Neher: Differences in Ca2+ buffering properties between excitatory and inhibitory hippocampal neurons. Journal of Physiology 525, 405-418 (2000)

160. Lee, S. H., B. Schwaller and E. Neher: Kinetics of Ca2+ binding to parvalbumin in chromaffin cells: implications for Ca2+ transients of neuronal dendrites. Journal of Physiology 525, 419-432 (2000)

161. Moser, T. and D. Beutner: Kinetics of exocytosis and endocytosis at the cochlear inner hair cell afferent synapse of the mouse. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97, 883-888 (2000)

162. Neher, E.: Synaptische Kurzzeitplastizität. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 1, 23-27 (2000)

163. Nehring, R., H. P. M. Horikawa, O. El Far, M. Kneussel, J. H. Brandstaetter, S. Stamm, E. Wischmeyer, H. Betz and A. Karschin: The metabotropic GABAB receptor directly interacts with the activating transcription factor 4. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275, 35185-35191 (2000)

164. Nehring, R., E. Wischmeyer, F. Doering, R. W. Veh, M. Sheng and A. Karschin: Neuronal inwardly rectifying K+ channels differentially couple to PDZ proteins of the PSD-95/SAP 90 family. Journal of Neuroscience 20, 156-162 (2000)

165. Reim, K., M. Mansour, F. Varoqueaux, H. T. Mcmahon, T. C. Suedhof, N. Brose and C. Rosenmund: Complexins regulate a late step in Ca++-dependent neurotransmitter release. Cell 104, 71-81 (2000)

166. Scheuss, V.: Statistical analysis of synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held synapse. Göttingen, (2000)

167. Schneggenburger, R. and E. Neher: Intracellular calcium dependence of transmitter release rates at a fast central synapse. Nature 406, 889-893 (2000)

168. Voets, T.: Dissection of three Ca2+-dependent steps leading to secretion in chromaffin cells from mouse adrenal slices. Neuron 28, 537-545 (2000)

169. Wei, S. H., T. Xu, U. Ashery, A. Kollewe, U. Matti, W. Antonin, J. Rettig and E. Neher: Exocytotic mechanism studied by truncated and zero layer mutants of the C-terminus of SNAP-25. EMBO Journal 19, 1279-1289 (2000)

170. Wittemann, S., M. D. Mark, J. Rettig and S. Herlitze: Synaptic localization and presynaptic function of calcium channel ?4-subunits in cultured hippocampal neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275, 37807-37814 (2000) 1999

171. Ashery, U., H. Koch, V. Scheuss, N. Brose and J. Rettig: A presynaptic role for the ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)-specific GDP/GTP exchange factor msec7-1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96, 1094-1099 (1999)

172. Ashery, U., A. Betz, Xu, T. Brose and N. J. Rettig: An efficient method for infection of adrenal chromaffin cells using the Semliki Forest virus gene expression system. European Journal of Cell Biology 78, 525-532 (1999)

173. Klingauf, J.: Untersuchungen zur Vesikelfreisetzung und Recyclierung in zentralnervösen Synapsen des Hippocampus. Göttingen, (1999)

174. Lukyanetz, E. A. and E. Neher: Different types of calcium channels and secretion from bovine chromaffin cells. European Journal of Neuroscience 11, 2865-2873 (1999)

175. Meyer, A.: Untersuchungen zur Wahrscheinlichkeit der Transmitter-freisetzung an einer zentralen Synapse. Göttingen, (1999)

176. Rettig, J.: Präsynaptische Mechanismen der Neurotransmitterausschüttung. Göttingen, (1999)

177. Schneggenburger, R., A. C. Meyer and E. Neher: Released fraction and total size of a pool of immediately available transmitter quanta at a calyx synapse. Neuron 23, 399-409 (1999)

178. Smith, C.: A persistent activity-dependent facilitation in chromaffin cells is caused by Ca2+ activation of protein Kinase C. Journal of Neuroscience 19, 589-598 (1999)

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180. Tan, Y. P., I. Llano, A. Hopt, F. Wuerriehausen and E. Neher: Fast scanning and efficient photodetection in a simple two-photon microscope. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 92, 123-135 (1999)

181. Voets, T., E. Neher and T. Moser: Mechanisms underlying phasic and sustained secretion in chromaffin cells from mouse adrenal slices. Neuron 23, 607-615 (1999)

182. Weis, S., R. Schneggenburger and E. Neher: Properties of a model of Ca++ -dependent vesicle pool dynamics and short term synaptic depression. Biophysical Journal 77, 2418-2429 (1999)

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184. Xu, T., U. Ashery, R. D. Burgoyne and E. Neher: Early requirement for a-SNAP and NSF in the secretory cascade in chromaffin cells. EMBO Journal 18, 3293-3304 (1999)

185. Xu, T., B. Rammner, M. Margittai, A. R. Artalejo, E. Neher and R. Jahn: Inhibition of SNARE complex assembly differentially affects kinetic components of exocytosis. Cell 99, 713-722 (1999) 1998

186. Lee, B. B.: Receptors, channels and color in primate retina. de Gruyter, Berlin (1998)

187. Betz, A., U. Ashery, M. Rickmann, I. Augustin, E. Neher, T. C. Suedhof, J. Rettig and N. Brose: Munc13-1 is a presynaptic phorbol ester-receptor that enhances neurotransmitter release. Neuron 21, 123-136 (1998)

188. Neher, E.: Patch Clamp Amplifier. Garland Publishing, London (1998)

189. Doering, F., C. Derst, E. Wischmeyer, C. Karschin, R. Schneggenburger, J. Daut and A. Karschin: The epithelial inward rectifier channel Kir7.1 displays unusual K+ permeation properties. Journal of Neuroscience 18, 8625-8636 (1998)

190. Haller, M., C. Heinemann, R. H. Chow, R. Heidelberger and E. Neher: Comparison of secretory responses as measured by membrane capacitance and by amperometry. Biophysical Journal 74, 2100-2113 (1998)

191. Heidelberger, R.: Adenosine Triphosphate and the Late Steps in Calcium-dependent Exocytosis at a Ribbon Synapse. Journal of General Physiology 111, 225-241 (1998)

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194. Neher, E.: A dual role for [Ca++] in the distal steps of secretion control. Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo (1998)

195. Kremers, J. and B. B. Lee: Comparative retinal physiology in Anthropoids. Vision Research 38, 3339-3344 (1998)

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199. Moser, T.: Low-conductance intercellular coupling between mouse chromaffin cells in situ. Journal of Physiology 506, 195-205 (1998)

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203. Neher, E.: Usefulness and limitations of linear approximations to the understanding of Ca++ signals. Cell Calcium 24, 345-357 (1998)

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207. Smith, C., T. Moser, T. Xu and E. Neher: Cytosolic Ca++ acts by two separate pathways to modulate the supply of release-competent vesicles in chromaffin cells. Neuron 20, 1243-1253 (1998)

208. Weis, S.: Mechanismen der Kurzzeitplastizität an neuronalen Synapsen. Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (1998)

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210. Xu, T., T. Binz, H. Niemann and E. Neher: Multiple kinetic components of exocytosis distinguished by neurotoxin sensitivity. Nature Neuroscience 1, 192-200 (1998) 1997

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213. Klingauf, J. and E. Neher: Modeling buffered Ca2+ diffusion near the membrane: Implications for secretion in neuroendocrine cells. Biophysical Journal 72, 674-690 (1997)

214. Mueller, T. H., D. Swandulla and H. U. Zeilhofer: Synaptic connectivity in cultured hypothalamic neuronal networks. Journal of Neurophysiology 77, 3218-3225 (1997)

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217. Rettig, J., C. Heinemann, U. Ashery, Z. H. Sheng, C. T. Yokoyama, W. A. Catterall and E. Neher: Alteration of Ca2+ dependence of neurotransmitter release by disruption of Ca2+ channel/syntaxin interaction. Journal of Neuroscience 17, 6647-6656 (1997)

218. Suda, N., D. Franzius, A. Fleig, S. Nishimura, M. Bodding, M. Hoth, H. Takeshima and R. Penner: Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells co-expressing dihydropyridine and ryanodine receptors. Journal of General Physiology 109, 619-631 (1997) 1996

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221. Fleig, A. and R. Penner: Silent calcium channels generate excessive tail currents and facilitation of calcium currents in rat skeletal myoballs. Journal of Physiology-London 494, 141-153 (1996)

222. Gillis, K. D., R. Mossner and E. Neher: Protein kinase C enhances exocytosis from chromaffin cells by increasing the size of the readily releasable pool of secretory granules. Neuron 16, 1209-1220 (1996)

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224. Huang, L. Y. M. and E. Neher: Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in the somata of dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuron 17, 135-145 (1996)

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226. Moser, T. and E. Neher: Rapid exocytosis in single chromaffin cells recorded from adrenal slices. Biophysical Journal 70, SU306 (1996)

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234. Burnashev, N., Z. Zhou, E. Neher and B. Sakmann: Fractional calcium currents through recombinant GluR channels of the NMDA, AMPA and kainate receptor subtypes. Journal of Physiology-London 485, 403-418 (1995)

235. Chow, R. H., P. E. Lund, S. Loser, U. Panten and E. Gylfe: Coincidence of early glucose-induced depolarization with lowering of cytoplasmic Ca2+ in mouse pancreatic beta-cells. Journal of Physiology-London 485, 607-617 (1995)

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238. Lopez, M., A. R. Artalejo, A. G. Garcia, E. Neher and J. Garciasancho: Veratridine-induced oscillations of cytosolic calcium and membrane potential in bovine chromaffin cells. Journal of Physiology-London 482, 15-27 (1995)

239. Moser, T., R. H. Chow and E. Neher: Swelling-induced catecholamine secretion recorded from single chromaffin cells. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 431, 196-203 (1995)

240. Mueller, W. and D. Swandulla: Synaptic feedback excitation has hypothalamic neural networks generate quasirhythmic burst activity. Journal of Neurophysiology 73, 855-861 (1995)

241. Neher, E.: The use of fura-2 for estimating ca buffers and ca fluxes. Neuropharmacology 34, 1423-1442 (1995)

242. Neher, E. and R. H. Chow: Electrophysiological and electrochemical techniques for studying control mechanisms of secretion in neuroendocrine cells. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 38, 251-253 (1995)

243. Parekh, A. B. and R. Penner: Activation of store-operated calcium influx at resting InsP(3) levels by sensitization of the InsP(3) receptor in rat basophilic leukaemia cells. Journal of Physiology-London 489, 377-382 (1995)

244. Parekh, A. B. and R. Penner: Depletion-activated Ca current is inactivated by protein kinase C. Journal of General Physiology 106, 18 (1995)

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248. Suda, N.: Involvement of dihydropyridine receptors in terminating Ca2+ release in rat skeletal myotubes. Journal of Physiology-London 486, 105-112 (1995)

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262. Heinemann, S. H., J. Rettig, V. E. S. Scott, D. N. Parcej, C. Lorra, J. Dolly and O. Pongs: The inactivation behavior of voltage-gated K-channels may be determined by association of a- and ß-subunits. Journal of Physiology-Paris 88, 173-180 (1994)

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278. Blaschke, M., B. U. Keller, R. Rivosecchi, M. Hollmann, S. H. Heinemann and A. Konnerth: A single amino acid determines the subunit-specific spider toxin block of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate/kainate receptor channels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 90, 6528-6532 (1993)

279. Chow, R. H. and C. Heinemann: Factors affecting single vesicle amperometric signals, a theoretical study. Biophysical Journal 64, A190 (1993)

280. Fasolato, C., M. Hoth and R. Penner: A GTP-dependent step in the activation mechanism of capacitative calcium influx. Journal of Biological Chemistry 268, 20737-20740 (1993)

281. Fasolato, C., M. Hoth and R. Penner: Multiple mechanisms of manganese-induced quenching of fura-2 fluorescence in rat mast cells. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 423, 225-231 (1993)

282. Fasolato, C., M. Hoth, G. Matthews and R. Penner: Ca2+ and Mn2+ influx through receptor-mediated activation of nonspecific cation channels in mast cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 90, 3068-3072 (1993)

283. Fasolato, C., M. Hoth and R. Penner: Manganese entry pathways in rat mast cells. Biophysical Journal 64, A76 (1993)

284. Gylfe, E., R. H. Chow, S. Loser and U. Panten: Triphasic changes of cytoplasmic CA2+ associated with early glucose effects on beta-cell membrane potential. Diabetologia 36, A107 (1993)

285. Heinemann, C., L. von Rueden, R. H. Chow and E. Neher: A two-step model of secretion control in neuroendocrine cells. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 424, 105-112 (1993)

286. Hess, S., P. Doroshenko and G. J. Augustine: A functional role for GTP-binding proteins in synaptic vesicle cycling. Science 259, 1169-1172 (1993)

287. Hollmann, M., B. U. Keller, M. Blaschke, R. Rivosecchi, A. Konnerth and S. H. Heinemann: Structural and functional properties of cloned glutamate receptors. Journal of Neurochemistry 61, S261 (1993)

288. Hoth, M. and R. Penner: Calcium release-activated calcium current in rat mast cells. Journal of Physiology-London 465, 359-386 (1993)

289. Hoth, M., C. Fasolato and R. Penner: Calcium release activated calcium current(ICRAC) in monexcitable cells. Biophysical Journal 64, A76 (1993)

290. Hoth, M., C. Fasolato and R. Penner: Ion channels and calcium signaling in mast cells. In: MOLECULAR BASIS OF ION CHANNELS AND RECEPTORS INVOLVED IN NERVE EXCITATION, SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION AND MUSCLE CONTRACTION, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 707. NEW YORK ACAD SCIENCES, NEW YORK (1993) 198-209

291. Keller, B. U., M. Blaschke, R. Rivosecchi, M. Hollmann, S. H. Heinemann and A. Konnerth: Structural determinants of the subunit: specific spider toxin block of AMPA kainate receptor channels. Biophysical Journal 64, A115 (1993)

292. Keller, B. U., M. Blaschke, R. Rivosecchi, M. Hollmann, S. H. Heinemann and A. Konnerth: Identification of a subunit-specific antagonist of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate/kainate receptor channels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 90, 605-609 (1993)

293. Lopezbarneo, J., T. Hoshi, S. H. Heinemann and R. W. Aldrich: Effects of external cations and mutations in the pore region on C-type inactivation of Shaker potassium channels. Receptors & Channels 1, 61-71 (1993)

294. Ludewig, U., C. Lorra, O. Pongs and S. H. Heinemann: A site accessible to extracellular TEA+ and K+ influences intracellular Mg2+ block of cloned potassium channels. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 22, 237-247 (1993)

295. Mueller, T. H., L. D. Partridge and D. Swandulla: Calcium buffering in bursting Helix pacemaker neurons. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 425, 499-505 (1993)

296. Neher, E.: Secretion without full fusion. Nature 363, 497-498 (1993)

297. Neher, E.: Spatial and temporal aspects of Ca changes in secretion control. Biochemical Society Transactions 21, 420-423 (1993)

298. Neher, E. and R. S. Zucker: Multiple calcium-dependent processes related to secretion in bovine chromaffin cells. Neuron 10, 21-30 (1993)

299. Parekh, A. B., M. Foguet, H. Lubbert and W. Stuehmer: Ca2+ oscillations and Ca2+ influx in Xenopus oocytes expressing a novel 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor. Journal of Physiology-London 469, 653-671 (1993)

300. Parekh, A. B., H. Terlau and W. Stuehmer: Depletion of InsP3 stores activates a Ca2+ and K+ current by means of a phosphatase and a diffusible messenger. Nature 364, 814-818 (1993)

301. Parekh, A. B., M. Foguet, H. Lubbert and W. Stuehmer: CA-2+ release and CA-2+ influx in xenopus oocytes following expression of a 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor. Biophysical Journal 64, A77 (1993)

302. Ruth, P., G. X. Wang, I. Boekhoff, B. May, A. Pfeifer, R. Penner, M. Korth, H. Breer and F. Hofmann: Transfected cGMP-dependent protein kinase suppresses calcium transients by inhibition of inositol 1,4,5,-trisphosphate production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 90, 2623-2627 (1993)

303. Schneggenburger, R., Z. Zhou, A. Konnerth and E. Neher: Fractional contribution of calcium to the cation current through glutamate receptor channels. Neuron 11, 133-143 (1993)

304. Schneggenburger, R., Z. Zhou, A. Konnerth and E. Neher: Fractional CA-2+-permeability of NMDA and AMPA/kainate receptors in forebrain medial septum neurons. Biophysical Journal 64, A326 (1993)

305. Swandulla, D., U. Misgeld and S. Beckh: Molecular properties of the glutamate receptor mediating synaptic excitation in rat hypothalamic neurons. Neuroscience Letters 159, 59-63 (1993)

306. von Rueden, L., A. G. Garcia and M. Lopez: The mechanism of Ba(2+)-induced exocytosis from single chromaffin cells. FEBS Letters 336, 48-52 (1993)

307. von Rueden, L. and E. Neher: A Ca-dependent early step in the release of catecholamines from adrenal chromaffin cells. Science 262, 1061-1065 (1993)

308. von Rueden, L. and E. Neher: Secretion as well as the supply of release ready granules is calcium dependent. Biophysical Journal 64, A189 (1993)

309. Wahle, P., T. H. Mueller and D. Swandulla: Characterization of neurochemical phenotypes in cultured hypothalamic neurons with immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Brain Research 611, 37-45 (1993)

310. Zeilhofer, H. U., T. H. Mueller and D. Swandulla: Inhibition of high voltage-activated calcium currents by L-glutamate receptor-mediated calcium influx. Neuron 10, 879-887 (1993)

311. Zhou, Z. and E. Neher: Calcium permeability of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 425, 511-517 (1993)

312. Zhou, Z. and E. Neher: Mobile and immobile calcium buffers in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Journal of Physiology-London 469, 245-273 (1993)

313. Zhou, Z. and E. Neher: Mobile and immobile calcium buffers in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Biophysical Journal 64, A77 (1993) 1992

314. Augustine, G. J. and E. Neher: CALCIUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SECRETION IN BOVINE CHROMAFFIN CELLS. Journal of Physiology-London 450, 247-271 (1992)

315. Bertl, A., E. Blumwald, R. Coronado, R. Eisenberg, G. Findlay, D. Gradmann, B. Hille, K. Kohler, H. A. Kolb, E. Macrobbie, G. Meissner, C. Miller, E. Neher, P. Palade, O. Pantoja, D. Sanders, J. Schroeder, C. Slayman, R. Spanswick, A. Walker and A. Williams: Electrical measurements on endomembranes. Science 258, 873-874 (1992)

316. Cahalan, M. and E. Neher: PATCH CLAMP TECHNIQUES – AN OVERVIEW. Methods in Enzymology 207, 3-14 (1992)


318. Creutz, C. E., S. Moss, J. M. Edwardson, I. Hide, B. Gomperts, G. Schiavo, L. Nevalainen, L. von Rueden, L. Fletcher, F. Bartels, I. Waschulewski, R. Buccione, J. Pinxteren and C. Magnus: DIFFERENTIAL RECOGNITION OF SECRETORY VESICLES BY ANNEXINS. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 184, 347-352 (1992)

319. Doroshenko, P. and E. Neher: VOLUME-SENSITIVE CHLORIDE CONDUCTANCE IN BOVINE CHROMAFFIN CELL-MEMBRANE. Journal of Physiology-London 449, 197-218 (1992)

320. Foguet, M., D. Hoyer, L. A. Pardo, A. B. Parekh, F. W. Kluxen, H. O. Kalkman, W. Stuehmer and H. Lubbert: Cloning and functional characterization of the rat stomach fundus serotonin receptor. EMBO Journal 11, 3481-3487 (1992)

321. Heinemann, S. H., H. Terlau, W. Stuehmer, K. Imoto and S. Numa: CALCIUM-CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS CONFERRED ON THE SODIUM-CHANNEL BY SINGLE MUTATIONS. Nature 356, 441-443 (1992)

322. Heinemann, S. H., H. Terlau, W. Stuehmer, K. Imoto and S. Numa: A SINGLE MUTATION ALTERS THE SODIUM-CHANNEL TO A CALCIUM-PERMEABLE CHANNEL. FASEB Journal 6, A133 (1992)

323. Heinemann, S. H. and F. Conti: NONSTATIONARY NOISE-ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION TO PATCH CLAMP RECORDINGS. Methods in Enzymology 207, 131-148 (1992)

324. Heinemann, S. H., F. Conti and W. Stuehmer: RECORDING OF GATING CURRENTS FROM XENOPUS-OOCYTES AND GATING NOISE-ANALYSIS. Methods in Enzymology 207, 353-368 (1992)





329. Mueller, T. H., U. Misgeld and D. Swandulla: IONIC CURRENTS IN CULTURED RAT HYPOTHALAMIC NEURONS. Journal of Physiology-London 450, 341-362 (1992)

330. Neher, E.: ION CHANNELS FOR COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AND WITHIN CELLS (NOBEL LECTURE). Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English 31, 824-829 (1992)


332. Neher, E. and G. J. Augustine: CALCIUM GRADIENTS AND BUFFERS IN BOVINE CHROMAFFIN CELLS. Journal of Physiology-London 450, 273-301 (1992)



335. Neher, E. and B. Sakmann: THE PATCH CLAMP TECHNIQUE. Scientific American 266, 44-51 (1992)

336. Neher, E.: ION CHANNELS FOR COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AND WITHIN CELLS. Bioscience Reports 12, 1-14 (1992)

337. Neher, E.: CELL PHYSIOLOGY – CONTROLS ON CALCIUM INFLUX. Nature 355, 298-299 (1992)


339. Pardo, L. A., S. H. Heinemann, H. Terlau, U. Ludewig, C. Lorra, O. Pongs and W. Stuehmer: EXTRACELLULAR K+ SPECIFICALLY MODULATES A RAT-BRAIN K+ CHANNEL. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 89, 2466-2470 (1992)

340. Pongs, O., F. Wunder, J. Rettig, M. Stocker, S. H. Heinemann and W. Stuehmer: Voltage gated K-channels expressed in heart tissue. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 24, S117 (1992)

341. Stuehmer, W.: The pore of sodium and potassium channels as a drug receptor. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 24, S116 (1992)

342. Stuehmer, W.: ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL RECORDING FROM XENOPUS OOCYTES. Methods in Enzymology 207, 319-339 (1992)

343. Terlau, H., S. H. Heinemann, W. Stuehmer, M. Pusch, F. Conti, K. Imoto and S. Numa: DETERMINANTS OF SENSITIVITY TO TETRODOTOXIN AND SAXITOXIN OF SODIUM CHANNEL-II. FASEB Journal 6, A110 (1992)

344. Uceda, G., A. R. Artalejo, M. Lopez, F. Abad, E. Neher and A. G. Garcia: Ca2+-activated K+ channels modulate muscarinic secretion in cat chromaffin cells. Journal of Physiology-London 454, 213-230 (1992)

345. von Rueden, L., R. H. Chow and E. Neher: DETECTION OF SINGLE VESICLE RELEASE. FASEB Journal 6, A500 (1992)

346. Zeilhofer, H. U., D. Swandulla, G. Geisslinger and K. Brune: DIFFERENTIAL-EFFECTS OF KETAMINE ENANTIOMERS ON NMDA RECEPTOR CURRENTS IN CULTURED NEURONS. European Journal of Pharmacology 213, 155-158 (1992)

347. Zhou, X., L. Lee, S. H. Chen and R. Strey: Observation of surface-induced layering in bicontinuous microemulsions. Physical Review A 46, 6479-6489 (1992)

348. Zhou, Z. and E. Neher: MOBILE CA-BUFFER IN ADRENAL CHROMAFFIN CELLS. FASEB Journal 6, A124 (1992) 1991

349. Doroshenko, P. and E. Neher: PERTUSSIS-TOXIN-SENSITIVE INHIBITION BY (-) BACLOFEN OF CA SIGNALS IN BOVINE CHROMAFFIN CELLS. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 419, 444-449 (1991)



352. Heinemann, S. H. and F. J. Sigworth: OPEN CHANNEL NOISE .6. ANALYSIS OF AMPLITUDE HISTOGRAMS TO DETERMINE RAPID KINETIC-PARAMETERS. Biophysical Journal 60, 577-587 (1991)

353. Kasai, H.: TONIC INHIBITION AND REBOUND FACILITATION OF A NEURONAL CALCIUM-CHANNEL BY A GTP-BINDING PROTEIN. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 88, 8855-8859 (1991)

354. Muhlen, F. V., F. Eckstein and R. Penner: GUANOSINE 5’-[BETA-THIO]TRIPHOSPHATE SELECTIVELY ACTIVATES CALCIUM SIGNALING IN MAST-CELLS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 88, 926-930 (1991)

355. Muhlen, F. V. and R. Penner: A GTP ANALOG INDUCES CALCIUM RELEASE BUT NOT SECRETION IN RAT MAST-CELLS. International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 94, 74-75 (1991)

356. Neher, E.: ION INFLUX AS A TRANSDUCTION SIGNAL IN MAST-CELLS. International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 94, 47-50 (1991)


358. Ruppersberg, J. P., M. Stocker, O. Pongs, S. H. Heinemann, R. Frank and M. Koenen: REGULATION OF FAST INACTIVATION OF CLONED MAMMALIAN IK(A) CHANNELS BY CYSTEINE OXIDATION. Nature 352, 711-714 (1991)

359. Stankovic, C. J., S. H. Heinemann and S. L. Schreiber: PHOTO-MODULATED ION CHANNELS BASED ON COVALENTLY LINKED GRAMICIDINS. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1061, 163-170 (1991)

360. Stocker, M., O. Pongs, M. Hoth, S. H. Heinemann, W. Stuehmer, K. H. Schroter and J. P. Ruppersberg: SWAPPING OF FUNCTIONAL DOMAINS IN VOLTAGE-GATED K+ CHANNELS. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 245, 101-107 (1991)

361. Stuehmer, W., F. Conti, M. Stocker, O. Pongs and S. H. Heinemann: GATING CURRENTS OF INACTIVATING AND NONINACTIVATING POTASSIUM CHANNELS EXPRESSED IN XENOPUS OOCYTES. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 418, 423-429 (1991)

362. Stuehmer, W.: STRUCTURE-FUNCTION STUDIES OF VOLTAGE-GATED ION CHANNELS. Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry 20, 65-78 (1991)


364. Swandulla, D., E. Carbone and H. D. Lux: DO CALCIUM-CHANNEL CLASSIFICATIONS ACCOUNT FOR NEURONAL CALCIUM-CHANNEL DIVERSITY. Trends in Neurosciences 14, 46-51 (1991)

365. Terlau, H., S. H. Heinemann, W. Stuehmer, M. Pusch, F. Conti, K. Imoto and S. Numa: MAPPING THE SITE OF BLOCK BY TETRODOTOXIN AND SAXITOXIN OF SODIUM CHANNEL-II. FEBS Letters 293, 93-96 (1991) 1990



368. Biel, M., P. Ruth, E. Bosse, R. Hullin, W. Stuehmer, V. Flockerzi and F. Hofmann: PRIMARY STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONAL EXPRESSION OF A HIGH-VOLTAGE ACTIVATED CALCIUM-CHANNEL FROM RABBIT LUNG. FEBS Letters 269, 409-412 (1990)

369. Grupe, A., K. H. Schroter, J. P. Ruppersberg, M. Stocker, T. Drewes, S. Beckh and O. Pongs: CLONING AND EXPRESSION OF A HUMAN VOLTAGE-GATED POTASSIUM CHANNEL – A NOVEL MEMBER OF THE RCK POTASSIUM CHANNEL FAMILY. EMBO Journal 9, 1749-1756 (1990)

370. Heinemann, S. H. and F. J. Sigworth: OPEN CHANNEL NOISE .5. FLUCTUATING BARRIERS TO ION ENTRY IN GRAMICIDIN-A CHANNELS. Biophysical Journal 57, 499-514 (1990)

371. Heinemann, S. H., C. J. Stankovic and S. L. Schreiber: GATING PHENOMENA IN COVALENTLY LINKED GRAMICIDIN CHANNELS. Biophysical Journal 57, A14 (1990)



374. Kurtz, A., O. Skott, S. Chegini and R. Penner: LACK OF DIRECT EVIDENCE FOR A FUNCTIONAL-ROLE OF VOLTAGE-OPERATED CALCIUM CHANNELS IN JUXTAGLOMERULAR CELLS. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 416, 281-287 (1990)

375. Lichtinghagen, R., M. Stocker, R. Wittka, G. Boheim, W. Stuehmer, A. Ferrus and O. Pongs: MOLECULAR-BASIS OF ALTERED EXCITABILITY IN SHAKER MUTANTS OF DROSOPHILA-MELANOGASTER. EMBO Journal 9, 4399-4407 (1990)

376. Moran, O., G. Sandri, E. Panfili, W. Stuehmer and M. C. Sorgato: CHANNELS IN MITOCHONDRIAL CONTACT SITES. Biophysical Journal 57, A390 (1990)

377. Moran, O., G. Sandri, E. Panfili, W. Stuehmer and M. C. Sorgato: ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF CONTACT SITES IN BRAIN MITOCHONDRIA. Journal of Biological Chemistry 265, 908-913 (1990)

378. Pusch, M.: BLOCK OF DIFFERENT CLONED NA+ CHANNELS BY INTERNAL MG-2+ AND EXTERNAL CA-2+. Biophysical Journal 57, A105 (1990)

379. Pusch, M.: OPEN-CHANNEL BLOCK OF NA+ CHANNELS BY INTRACELLULAR MG2+. European Biophysics Journal 18, 317-326 (1990)


381. Stankovic, C. J., S. H. Heinemann and S. L. Schreiber: IMMOBILIZING THE GATE OF A TARTARIC ACID GRAMICIDIN-A HYBRID CHANNEL MOLECULE BY RATIONAL DESIGN. Journal of the American Chemical Society 112, 3702-3704 (1990)

382. Stocker, M., W. Stuehmer, R. Wittka, X. Wang, R. Muller, A. Ferrus and O. Pongs: ALTERNATIVE SHAKER TRANSCRIPTS EXPRESS EITHER RAPIDLY INACTIVATING OR NONINACTIVATING K+ CHANNELS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 87, 8903-8907 (1990)

383. Stuehmer, W.: SITE-DIRECTED MUTAGENESIS ON VOLTAGE-GATED CHANNELS. Biophysical Journal 57, A386 (1990)

384. Swandulla, D., L. D. Partridge and T. H. Mueller: PATHWAYS THAT MODULATE CALCIUM-ACTIVATED CATION CHANNELS IN NEURONS. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 371, 1044 (1990)

385. Terlau, H. and W. Seifert: FIBROBLAST GROWTH-FACTOR ENHANCES LONG-TERM POTENTIATION IN THE HIPPOCAMPAL SLICE. European Journal of Neuroscience 2, 973-977 (1990)

386. Terlau, H. and W. Seifert: EFFECTS OF NEUROTROPHIC FACTORS ON LONG-TERM POTENTIATION IN HIPPOCAMPAL SLICES. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler 371, 21 (1990)

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    University Professor
    University of Göttingen