Jerome Karle

Jerome Karle is an American Physical Chemist. He was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1985) together with Herbert Hauptman for his contribution in the analysis of chemical structures using the x-ray scattering technique.

Karle and Hauptman worked on developing the direct method of x-ray crystallography which helps deduce the 3D molecular structure of chemical compounds. This technique can be used to study physical, chemical, biological and metallurgical properties of molecules and has played important role in development of new pharmaceutical products and other synthesized materials.

Awards received by Karle include Caduceus Award 1937, Pure Science 1959, Robert Dexter Conrad Award 1976, Patterson Award 1984, Albert Abraham Michelson Award 1986, Golden Plate Award 1986 and National Library of Medicine Award 1986.

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Chemist CHEMIST (Physical Chemist)
Jerome Karle
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1937 Caduceus Award for Excellence in Natural Sciences

1959 Research Society of America Award in Pure Science

1970 ACS William F. Hillebrand Award

1976 USN Robert Dexter Conrad Award

1984 ACA A.L. Patterson Award

1985 Nobel Prize for Chemistry (with Herbert A. Hauptman)

1986 CMG Albert Abraham Michelson Award

1986 Academy of Achievement Golden Plate Award

1986 National Library of Medicine Award

1986 President’s Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service

1986 Secretary of Navy Award for Distinguished Achievement

1994 Ettore Majorana-Erice Science Peace Prize

2009 Navy Distinguished Service Medal (with Isabella Karle)

1. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Isabella; Karle Jerome Calculation of strong and weak interactions in TDA1 and RangDP52 by the kernel energy method. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009;106(10):3664-9.

2. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Jerome Kernel energy method applied to vesicular stomatitis virus nucleoprotein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009;106(6):1731-6.

3. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Jerome Calculated interactions of a nitro group with aromatic rings of crystalline picryl bromide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2008;105(37):13720-3.

4. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Jerome The kernel energy method of quantum mechanical approximation carried to fourth-order terms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2008;105(6):1849-54.

5. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Bernal Ivan; Karle Jerome The OH-anion acting as an acid. The Journal of chemical physics 2008;128(2):024703.

6. Wallace Sonjae; Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Mukhopadhyay Uday; Bernal Ivan; Karle Jerome The structures of cyclic dihydronium cations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2007;104(43):16798-803.

7. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Jerome Drug target interaction energies by the kernel energy method in aminoglycoside drugs and ribosomal A site RNA targets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2007;104(11):4261-6.

8. Gindulyte Asta; Bashan Anat; Agmon Ilana; Massa Lou; Yonath Ada; Karle Jerome The transition state for formation of the peptide bond in the ribosome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2006;103(36):13327-32.

9. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Jerome The Kernel Energy Method: application to a tRNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2006;103(5):1233-7.

10. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Jerome Kernel energy method: application to DNA. Biochemistry 2005;44(50):16747-52.

11. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Jerome Kernel energy method: application to insulin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2005;102(36):12690-3.

12. Huang Lulu; Massa Lou; Karle Jerome Form factors for core electrons useful for the application of quantum crystallography (QCr) to organic molecules. Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography 2002;58(Pt 4):410-1.

13. Arrow K J; Axelrod J; Benacerraf B; Berg P; Bishop J M; Bloembergen N; Brown H C; Cibelli J; Cohen S; Cooper L N; Corey E J; Cronin J W; Curl R; Dulbecco R; Fischer E H; Fitch V L; Fogel R; Friedman J I; Furchgott R F; Gell-Mann M; Gilbert W; Gilman A; Glaser D; Glashow S L; Green R M; Greengard P; Guillemin R; Hayflick L; Hauptman H A; Heckman J J; Heeger A; Herschbach D; Hubel D H; Hulse R; Kandel E; Karle J; Klein L R; Kohn W; Kornberg A; Krebs E G; Lanza R P; Laughlin R; Lederman L; Lee D M; Lewis E; Lipscomb W; Marcus R A; McFadden D; Merrifield R B; Merton R; Modigliani F; Molina M J; Murad F; Nirenberg M W; North D C; Olah G A; Osheroff D; Palade G E; Perl M; Ramsey N F; Richter B; Roberts R J; Samuelson P A; Schwartz M; Sharp P A; Smalley R E; Smith H O; Solow R M; Stormer H; Taube H; Taylor R; Thomas E D; Tobin J; Tonegawa S; Townes C; Watson J D; Weinberg S; Weller T H; West M D; Wieschaus E F; Wiesel T N; Wilson R W Nobel laureates’ letter to President Bush. Washington post (Washington, D.C. : 1974) 2001;():A02.

14. Karle J New approaches to structure analysis. Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science 1995;51 ( Pt 4)():411-5.

15. Karle J Direct calculation of atomic coordinates from diffraction intensities: space group P1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1991;88(22):10099-103.

16. Karle J Some additional features of one-wavelength anomalous dispersion. Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography 1991;47 ( Pt 5)():537-43.

17. Karle J Direct methods in protein crystallography. Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography 1989;45 ( Pt 11)():765-81.

18. Karle J Linear algebraic analyses of structures with one predominant type of anomalous scatterer. Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography 1989;45 ( Pt 4)():303-7.

19. Camerman A; Mastropaolo D; Karle I; Karle J; Camerman N Crystal structure of leucine-enkephalin. Nature 1983;306(5942):447-50.

20. Karle J General phase-invariant formulas of higher order: Expected values. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1982;79(6):2125-7.

21. Karle J Special phase invariant formulas of higher order: Expected values. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1982;79(4):1337-9.

22. Karle I L; Karle J Anomalous dispersion of sulfur in quinidine sulfate, (C(20)H(25)N(2)O(2))(2)SO(4).2H(2)O: Implications for structure analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1981;78(10):5938-41.

23. Karle I L; Karle J Conformation of cyclo(Gly-L-Pro-L-Pro-Gly-L-Pro-L-Pro)(2)Mg complex crystallized from CH(3)CN solution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1981;78(2):681-5.

24. Karle J Determination of molecular formula and stereoconfiguration of unique steroids by X-ray diffraction analysis. Lipids 1980;15(9):793-7.

25. Karle J Triplet phase invariants: Formula for acentric case from fourth-order determinantal joint probability distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1980;77(1):5-9.

26. Karle J Triplet phase invariants: Formula for centric case from fourth-order determinantal joint probability distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1979;76(5):2089-93.

27. Karle J Joint probability distribution of the invariants comprising determinantal inequalities: Heuristic derivation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1978;75(6):2545-8.

28. Karle I L; Karle J; Wieland T; Burgermeister W; Witkop B Conformation of uncomplexed [Phe4, Val6] antamanide crystallized from nonpolar solvents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1976;73(6):1782-5.

29. Karle I L; Karle J; Wieland T; Burgermeister W; Faulstich H; Witkop B Conformations of the li-antamanide complex and na-[phe, val]antamanide complex in the crystalline state. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1973;70(6):1836-40.

30. Hendrickson W A; Karle J Carp muscle calcium-binding protein. 3. Phase refinement using the tangent formula. The Journal of biological chemistry 1973;248(9):3327-34.

31. Hendrickson W A; Love W E; Karle J Crystal structure analysis of sea lamprey hemoglobin at 2 angstrom resolution. Journal of molecular biology 1973;74(3):331-61.

32. Gilardi R; Karle I L; Karle J; Sperling W Crystal structure of the visual chromophores, 11-cis and all-trans retinal. Nature 1971;232(5307):187-9.

33. Karle I L; Karle J The identification and crystal structure of 7-hydroxy-1,9,10-trimethoxy-4-azabicyclo[5.2.2] undeca-8,10-dien-3-one, a photolysis product from N-chloroacetylmescaline. Acta crystallographica. Section B: Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry 1970;26(9):1276-82.

34. Karle I L; Gibson J W; Karle J The conformation and crystal structure of the cyclic polypeptide -gly-gly-D-ala-D-ala-gly-gly .3H2O. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1970;92(12):3755-60.

35. Konnert J; Karle I L; Karle J The structure of dihydrothymidine. Acta crystallographica. Section B: Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry 1970;26(6):770-8.

36. Karle I L; Karle J The crystal structure of digitoxigenin, C23H34O4. Acta crystallographica. Section B: Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry 1969;25(3):434-42.

37. Karle I I; Karle J The structural formula and crystal structure of the O-p-bromobenzoate derivative of batrachotoxinin A, C31H38NO6Br, a frog venom and steroidal alkaloid. Acta crystallographica. Section B: Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry 1969;25(3):428-34.

38. Tokuyama T; Daly J; Witkop B; Karle I L; Karle J The structure of batrachotoxinin A, a novel steroidal alkaloid from the Colombian arrow poison frog, Phyllobates aurotaenia. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1968;90(7):1917-8.

39. Karle I L; Karle J The crystal structure of the alkaloid reserpine, C33H40N209. Acta crystallographica. Section B: Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry 1968;24(1):81-91.

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