1986 Elected to the Royal Society
1986 W. Alden Spencer Award
1991 Gairdner Foundation International Award
1996 Darwin Medal of the Royal Society
1998 Rosenstiel Award 2000 Pfizer Prize for Innovative Science
2000 George W Beadle Medal
2000 Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Medal
2001 Knight Bachelor in New Year’s Honours list
2001 The Edinburgh Medal
2001 Prince of Asturias Award (Spain)
2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Wiesel, T; Agre, P; Arrow, KJ; Atiyah, M; Brézin, E; Charfi, FF; Cohen-Tanoudji, C; Daar, A; Jacob, F; Kahneman, D; Lee, YT; Nicolaisen, I; Nusseibeh, S; Reuter, H; Shoham, Y; Sulston, J; Walzer, M; Yaari, M The Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization. Science (New York, N.Y.) 2007;315(5808):39.
Gregory, SG; Barlow, KF; McLay, KE; Kaul, R; Swarbreck, D; Dunham, A; Scott, CE; Howe, KL; Woodfine, K; Spencer, CC; Jones, MC; Gillson, C; Searle, S; Zhou, Y; Kokocinski, F; McDonald, L; Evans, R; Phillips, K; Atkinson, A; Cooper, R; Jones, C; Hall, RE; Andrews, TD; Lloyd, C; Ainscough, R; Almeida, JP; Ambrose, KD; Anderson, F; Andrew, RW; Ashwell, RI; Aubin, K; Babbage, AK; Bagguley, CL; Bailey, J; Beasley, H; Bethel, G; Bird, CP; Bray-Allen, S; Brown, JY; Brown, AJ; Buckley, D; Burton, J; Bye, J; Carder, C; Chapman, JC; Clark, SY; Clarke, G; Clee, C; Cobley, V; Collier, RE; Corby, N; Coville, GJ; Davies, J; Deadman, R; Dunn, M; Earthrowl, M; Ellington, AG; Errington, H; Frankish, A; Frankland, J; French, L; Garner, P; Garnett, J; Gay, L; Ghori, MR; Gibson, R; Gilby, LM; Gillett, W; Glithero, RJ; Grafham, DV; Griffiths, C; Griffiths-Jones, S; Grocock, R; Hammond, S; Harrison, ES; Hart, E; Haugen, E; Heath, PD; Holmes, S; Holt, K; Howden, PJ; Hunt, AR; Hunt, SE; Hunter, G; Isherwood, J; James, R; Johnson, C; Johnson, D; Joy, A; Kay, M; Kershaw, JK; Kibukawa, M; Kimberley, AM; King, A; Knights, AJ; Lad, H; Laird, G; Lawlor, S; Leongamornlert, DA; Lloyd, DM; Loveland, J; Lovell, J; Lush, MJ; Lyne, R; Martin, S; Mashreghi-Mohammadi, M; Matthews, L; Matthews, NS; McLaren, S; Milne, S; Mistry, S; Moore, MJ; Nickerson, T; O’Dell, CN; Oliver, K; Palmeiri, A; Palmer, SA; Parker, A; Patel, D; Pearce, AV; Peck, AI; Pelan, S; Phelps, K; Phillimore, BJ; Plumb, R; Rajan, J; Raymond, C; Rouse, G; Saenphimmachak, C; Sehra, HK; Sheridan, E; Shownkeen, R; Sims, S; Skuce, CD; Smith, M; Steward, C; Subramanian, S; Sycamore, N; Tracey, A; Tromans, A; Van Helmond, Z; Wall, M; Wallis, JM; White, S; Whitehead, SL; Wilkinson, JE; Willey, DL; Williams, H; Wilming, L; Wray, PW; Wu, Z; Coulson, A; Vaudin, M; Sulston, JE; Durbin, R; Hubbard, T; Wooster, R; Dunham, I; Carter, NP; McVean, G; Ross, MT; Harrow, J; Olson, MV; Beck, S; Rogers, J; Bentley, DR; Banerjee, R; Bryant, SP; Burford, DC; Burrill, WD; Clegg, SM; Dhami, P; Dovey, O; Faulkner, LM; Gribble, SM; Langford, CF; Pandian, RD; Porter, KM; Prigmore, E The DNA sequence and biological annotation of human chromosome 1. Nature 2006;441(7091):315-21.
Sulston, J Staking claims in the biotechnology Klondike. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2006;84(5):412-3.
Hillier, LW; Coulson, A; Murray, JI; Bao, Z; Sulston, JE; Waterston, RH Genomics in C. elegans: so many genes, such a little worm. Genome research 2005;15(12):1651-60.
Ross, MT; Grafham, DV; Coffey, AJ; Scherer, S; McLay, K; Muzny, D; Platzer, M; Howell, GR; Burrows, C; Bird, CP; Frankish, A; Lovell, FL; Howe, KL; Ashurst, JL; Fulton, RS; Sudbrak, R; Wen, G; Jones, MC; Hurles, ME; Andrews, TD; Scott, CE; Searle, S; Ramser, J; Whittaker, A; Deadman, R; Carter, NP; Hunt, SE; Chen, R; Cree, A; Gunaratne, P; Havlak, P; Hodgson, A; Metzker, ML; Richards, S; Scott, G; Steffen, D; Sodergren, E; Wheeler, DA; Worley, KC; Ainscough, R; Ambrose, KD; Ansari-Lari, MA; Aradhya, S; Ashwell, RI; Babbage, AK; Bagguley, CL; Ballabio, A; Banerjee, R; Barker, GE; Barlow, KF; Barrett, IP; Bates, KN; Beare, DM; Beasley, H; Beasley, O; Beck, A; Bethel, G; Blechschmidt, K; Brady, N; Bray-Allen, S; Bridgeman, AM; Brown, AJ; Brown, MJ; Bonnin, D; Bruford, EA; Buhay, C; Burch, P; Burford, D; Burgess, J; Burrill, W; Burton, J; Bye, JM; Carder, C; Carrel, L; Chako, J; Chapman, JC; Chavez, D; Chen, E; Chen, G; Chen, Y; Chen, Z; Chinault, C; Ciccodicola, A; Clark, SY; Clarke, G; Clee, CM; Clegg, S; Clerc-Blankenburg, K; Clifford, K; Cobley, V; Cole, CG; Conquer, JS; Corby, N; Connor, RE; David, R; Davies, J; Davis, C; Davis, J; Delgado, O; Deshazo, D; Dhami, P; Ding, Y; Dinh, H; Dodsworth, S; Draper, H; Dugan-Rocha, S; Dunham, A; Dunn, M; Durbin, KJ; Dutta, I; Eades, T; Ellwood, M; Emery-Cohen, A; Errington, H; Evans, KL; Faulkner, L; Francis, F; Frankland, J; Fraser, AE; Galgoczy, P; Gilbert, J; Gill, R; Glöckner, G; Gregory, SG; Gribble, S; Griffiths, C; Grocock, R; Gu, Y; Gwilliam, R; Hamilton, C; Hart, EA; Hawes, A; Heath, PD; Heitmann, K; Hennig, S; Hernandez, J; Hinzmann, B; Ho, S; Hoffs, M; Howden, PJ; Huckle, EJ; Hume, J; Hunt, PJ; Hunt, AR; Isherwood, J; Jacob, L; Johnson, D; Jones, S; de Jong, PJ; Joseph, SS; Keenan, S; Kelly, S; Kershaw, JK; Khan, Z; Kioschis, P; Klages, S; Knights, AJ; Kosiura, A; Kovar-Smith, C; Laird, GK; Langford, C; Lawlor, S; Leversha, M; Lewis, L; Liu, W; Lloyd, C; Lloyd, DM; Loulseged, H; Loveland, JE; Lovell, JD; Lozado, R; Lu, J; Lyne, R; Ma, J; Maheshwari, M; Matthews, LH; McDowall, J; McLaren, S; McMurray, A; Meidl, P; Meitinger, T; Milne, S; Miner, G; Mistry, SL; Morgan, M; Morris, S; Müller, I; Mullikin, JC; Nguyen, N; Nordsiek, G; Nyakatura, G; O’Dell, CN; Okwuonu, G; Palmer, S; Pandian, R; Parker, D; Parrish, J; Pasternak, S; Patel, D; Pearce, AV; Pearson, DM; Pelan, SE; Perez, L; Porter, KM; Ramsey, Y; Reichwald, K; Rhodes, S; Ridler, KA; Schlessinger, D; Schueler, MG; Sehra, HK; Shaw-Smith, C; Shen, H; Sheridan, EM; Shownkeen, R; Skuce, CD; Smith, ML; Sotheran, EC; Steingruber, HE; Steward, CA; Storey, R; Swann, RM; Swarbreck, D; Tabor, PE; Taudien, S; Taylor, T; Teague, B; Thomas, K; Thorpe, A; Timms, K; Tracey, A; Trevanion, S; Tromans, AC; d’Urso, M; Verduzco, D; Villasana, D; Waldron, L; Wall, M; Wang, Q; Warren, J; Warry, GL; Wei, X; West, A; Whitehead, SL; Whiteley, MN; Wilkinson, JE; Willey, DL; Williams, G; Williams, L; Williamson, A; Williamson, H; Wilming, L; Woodmansey, RL; Wray, PW; Yen, J; Zhang, J; Zhou, J; Zoghbi, H; Zorilla, S; Buck, D; Reinhardt, R; Poustka, A; Rosenthal, A; Lehrach, H; Meindl, A; Minx, PJ; Hillier, LW; Willard, HF; Wilson, RK; Waterston, RH; Rice, CM; Vaudin, M; Coulson, A; Nelson, DL; Weinstock, G; Sulston, JE; Durbin, R; Hubbard, T; Gibbs, RA; Beck, S; Rogers, J; Bentley, DR The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome. Nature 2005;434(7031):325-37.
Sulston, J An audience with…Sir John Sulston. Nature reviews. Drug discovery 2005;4(2):98.
Harris, J; Sulston, J Genetic equity. Nature reviews. Genetics 2004;5(10):796-800.
Humphray, SJ; Oliver, K; Hunt, AR; Plumb, RW; Loveland, JE; Howe, KL; Andrews, TD; Searle, S; Hunt, SE; Scott, CE; Jones, MC; Ainscough, R; Almeida, JP; Ambrose, KD; Ashwell, RI; Babbage, AK; Babbage, S; Bagguley, CL; Bailey, J; Banerjee, R; Barker, DJ; Barlow, KF; Bates, K; Beasley, H; Beasley, O; Bird, CP; Bray-Allen, S; Brown, AJ; Brown, JY; Burford, D; Burrill, W; Burton, J; Carder, C; Carter, NP; Chapman, JC; Chen, Y; Clarke, G; Clark, SY; Clee, CM; Clegg, S; Collier, RE; Corby, N; Crosier, M; Cummings, AT; Davies, J; Dhami, P; Dunn, M; Dutta, I; Dyer, LW; Earthrowl, ME; Faulkner, L; Fleming, CJ; Frankish, A; Frankland, JA; French, L; Fricker, DG; Garner, P; Garnett, J; Ghori, J; Gilbert, JG; Glison, C; Grafham, DV; Gribble, S; Griffiths, C; Griffiths-Jones, S; Grocock, R; Guy, J; Hall, RE; Hammond, S; Harley, JL; Harrison, ES; Hart, EA; Heath, PD; Henderson, CD; Hopkins, BL; Howard, PJ; Howden, PJ; Huckle, E; Johnson, C; Johnson, D; Joy, AA; Kay, M; Keenan, S; Kershaw, JK; Kimberley, AM; King, A; Knights, A; Laird, GK; Langford, C; Lawlor, S; Leongamornlert, DA; Leversha, M; Lloyd, C; Lloyd, DM; Lovell, J; Martin, S; Mashreghi-Mohammadi, M; Matthews, L; McLaren, S; McLay, KE; McMurray, A; Milne, S; Nickerson, T; Nisbett, J; Nordsiek, G; Pearce, AV; Peck, AI; Porter, KM; Pandian, R; Pelan, S; Phillimore, B; Povey, S; Ramsey, Y; Rand, V; Scharfe, M; Sehra, HK; Shownkeen, R; Sims, SK; Skuce, CD; Smith, M; Steward, CA; Swarbreck, D; Sycamore, N; Tester, J; Thorpe, A; Tracey, A; Tromans, A; Thomas, DW; Wall, M; Wallis, JM; West, AP; Whitehead, SL; Willey, DL; Williams, SA; Wilming, L; Wray, PW; Young, L; Ashurst, JL; Coulson, A; Blöcker, H; Durbin, R; Sulston, JE; Hubbard, T; Jackson, MJ; Bentley, DR; Beck, S; Rogers, J; Dunham, I DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 9. Nature 2004;429(6990):369-74.
Dunham, A; Matthews, LH; Burton, J; Ashurst, JL; Howe, KL; Ashcroft, KJ; Beare, DM; Burford, DC; Hunt, SE; Griffiths-Jones, S; Jones, MC; Keenan, SJ; Oliver, K; Scott, CE; Ainscough, R; Almeida, JP; Ambrose, KD; Andrews, DT; Ashwell, RI; Babbage, AK; Bagguley, CL; Bailey, J; Bannerjee, R; Barlow, KF; Bates, K; Beasley, H; Bird, CP; Bray-Allen, S; Brown, AJ; Brown, JY; Burrill, W; Carder, C; Carter, NP; Chapman, JC; Clamp, ME; Clark, SY; Clarke, G; Clee, CM; Clegg, SC; Cobley, V; Collins, JE; Corby, N; Coville, GJ; Deloukas, P; Dhami, P; Dunham, I; Dunn, M; Earthrowl, ME; Ellington, AG; Faulkner, L; Frankish, AG; Frankland, J; French, L; Garner, P; Garnett, J; Gilbert, JG; Gilson, CJ; Ghori, J; Grafham, DV; Gribble, SM; Griffiths, C; Hall, RE; Hammond, S; Harley, JL; Hart, EA; Heath, PD; Howden, PJ; Huckle, EJ; Hunt, PJ; Hunt, AR; Johnson, C; Johnson, D; Kay, M; Kimberley, AM; King, A; Laird, GK; Langford, CJ; Lawlor, S; Leongamornlert, DA; Lloyd, DM; Lloyd, C; Loveland, JE; Lovell, J; Martin, S; Mashreghi-Mohammadi, M; McLaren, SJ; McMurray, A; Milne, S; Moore, MJ; Nickerson, T; Palmer, SA; Pearce, AV; Peck, AI; Pelan, S; Phillimore, B; Porter, KM; Rice, CM; Searle, S; Sehra, HK; Shownkeen, R; Skuce, CD; Smith, M; Steward, CA; Sycamore, N; Tester, J; Thomas, DW; Tracey, A; Tromans, A; Tubby, B; Wall, M; Wallis, JM; West, AP; Whitehead, SL; Willey, DL; Wilming, L; Wray, PW; Wright, MW; Young, L; Coulson, A; Durbin, R; Hubbard, T; Sulston, JE; Beck, S; Bentley, DR; Rogers, J; Ross, MT The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 13. Nature 2004;428(6982):522-8.
Sulston, J Society and human genome. Revista de derecho y genoma humano = Law and the human genome review / Cátedra de Derecho y Genoma Humano/Fundación BBV-Diputación Foral de Bizkaia 2004;(20):25-33.
Mungall, AJ; Palmer, SA; Sims, SK; Edwards, CA; Ashurst, JL; Wilming, L; Jones, MC; Horton, R; Hunt, SE; Scott, CE; Gilbert, JG; Clamp, ME; Bethel, G; Milne, S; Ainscough, R; Almeida, JP; Ambrose, KD; Andrews, TD; Ashwell, RI; Babbage, AK; Bagguley, CL; Bailey, J; Banerjee, R; Barker, DJ; Barlow, KF; Bates, K; Beare, DM; Beasley, H; Beasley, O; Bird, CP; Blakey, S; Bray-Allen, S; Brook, J; Brown, AJ; Brown, JY; Burford, DC; Burrill, W; Burton, J; Carder, C; Carter, NP; Chapman, JC; Clark, SY; Clark, G; Clee, CM; Clegg, S; Cobley, V; Collier, RE; Collins, JE; Colman, LK; Corby, NR; Coville, GJ; Culley, KM; Dhami, P; Davies, J; Dunn, M; Earthrowl, ME; Ellington, AE; Evans, KA; Faulkner, L; Francis, MD; Frankish, A; Frankland, J; French, L; Garner, P; Garnett, J; Ghori, MJ; Gilby, LM; Gillson, CJ; Glithero, RJ; Grafham, DV; Grant, M; Gribble, S; Griffiths, C; Griffiths, M; Hall, R; Halls, KS; Hammond, S; Harley, JL; Hart, EA; Heath, PD; Heathcott, R; Holmes, SJ; Howden, PJ; Howe, KL; Howell, GR; Huckle, E; Humphray, SJ; Humphries, MD; Hunt, AR; Johnson, CM; Joy, AA; Kay, M; Keenan, SJ; Kimberley, AM; King, A; Laird, GK; Langford, C; Lawlor, S; Leongamornlert, DA; Leversha, M; Lloyd, CR; Lloyd, DM; Loveland, JE; Lovell, J; Martin, S; Mashreghi-Mohammadi, M; Maslen, GL; Matthews, L; McCann, OT; McLaren, SJ; McLay, K; McMurray, A; Moore, MJ; Mullikin, JC; Niblett, D; Nickerson, T; Novik, KL; Oliver, K; Overton-Larty, EK; Parker, A; Patel, R; Pearce, AV; Peck, AI; Phillimore, B; Phillips, S; Plumb, RW; Porter, KM; Ramsey, Y; Ranby, SA; Rice, CM; Ross, MT; Searle, SM; Sehra, HK; Sheridan, E; Skuce, CD; Smith, S; Smith, M; Spraggon, L; Squares, SL; Steward, CA; Sycamore, N; Tamlyn-Hall, G; Tester, J; Theaker, AJ; Thomas, DW; Thorpe, A; Tracey, A; Tromans, A; Tubby, B; Wall, M; Wallis, JM; West, AP; White, SS; Whitehead, SL; Whittaker, H; Wild, A; Willey, DJ; Wilmer, TE; Wood, JM; Wray, PW; Wyatt, JC; Young, L; Younger, RM; Bentley, DR; Coulson, A; Durbin, R; Hubbard, T; Sulston, JE; Dunham, I; Rogers, J; Beck, S The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 6. Nature 2003;425(6960):805-11.
Sulston, JE Caenorhabditis elegans: the cell lineage and beyond (Nobel lecture). Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 2003;4(8):688-96.
Sulston, J Beyond release: the equitable use of genomic information. Lancet 2003;362(9381):400-2.
Sulston, JE C. elegans: the cell lineage and beyond. Bioscience reports 2003;23(2-3):49-66.
Waterston, RH; Lander, ES; Sulston, JE More on the sequencing of the human genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2003;100(6):3022-4; author reply 3025-6.
Hall, N; Pain, A; Berriman, M; Churcher, C; Harris, B; Harris, D; Mungall, K; Bowman, S; Atkin, R; Baker, S; Barron, A; Brooks, K; Buckee, CO; Burrows, C; Cherevach, I; Chillingworth, C; Chillingworth, T; Christodoulou, Z; Clark, L; Clark, R; Corton, C; Cronin, A; Davies, R; Davis, P; Dear, P; Dearden, F; Doggett, J; Feltwell, T; Goble, A; Goodhead, I; Gwilliam, R; Hamlin, N; Hance, Z; Harper, D; Hauser, H; Hornsby, T; Holroyd, S; Horrocks, P; Humphray, S; Jagels, K; James, KD; Johnson, D; Kerhornou, A; Knights, A; Konfortov, B; Kyes, S; Larke, N; Lawson, D; Lennard, N; Line, A; Maddison, M; McLean, J; Mooney, P; Moule, S; Murphy, L; Oliver, K; Ormond, D; Price, C; Quail, MA; Rabbinowitsch, E; Rajandream, MA; Rutter, S; Rutherford, KM; Sanders, M; Simmonds, M; Seeger, K; Sharp, S; Smith, R; Squares, R; Squares, S; Stevens, K; Taylor, K; Tivey, A; Unwin, L; Whitehead, S; Woodward, J; Sulston, JE; Craig, A; Newbold, C; Barrell, BG Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum chromosomes 1, 3-9 and 13. Nature 2002;419(6906):527-31.
Sulston, J A conversation with John Sulston. The Yale journal of biology and medicine 2002;75(5-6):299-306.
Waterston, RH; Lander, ES; Sulston, JE On the sequencing of the human genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2002;99(6):3712-6.
Deloukas, P; Matthews, LH; Ashurst, J; Burton, J; Gilbert, JG; Jones, M; Stavrides, G; Almeida, JP; Babbage, AK; Bagguley, CL; Bailey, J; Barlow, KF; Bates, KN; Beard, LM; Beare, DM; Beasley, OP; Bird, CP; Blakey, SE; Bridgeman, AM; Brown, AJ; Buck, D; Burrill, W; Butler, AP; Carder, C; Carter, NP; Chapman, JC; Clamp, M; Clark, G; Clark, LN; Clark, SY; Clee, CM; Clegg, S; Cobley, VE; Collier, RE; Connor, R; Corby, NR; Coulson, A; Coville, GJ; Deadman, R; Dhami, P; Dunn, M; Ellington, AG; Frankland, JA; Fraser, A; French, L; Garner, P; Grafham, DV; Griffiths, C; Griffiths, MN; Gwilliam, R; Hall, RE; Hammond, S; Harley, JL; Heath, PD; Ho, S; Holden, JL; Howden, PJ; Huckle, E; Hunt, AR; Hunt, SE; Jekosch, K; Johnson, CM; Johnson, D; Kay, MP; Kimberley, AM; King, A; Knights, A; Laird, GK; Lawlor, S; Lehvaslaiho, MH; Leversha, M; Lloyd, C; Lloyd, DM; Lovell, JD; Marsh, VL; Martin, SL; McConnachie, LJ; McLay, K; McMurray, AA; Milne, S; Mistry, D; Moore, MJ; Mullikin, JC; Nickerson, T; Oliver, K; Parker, A; Patel, R; Pearce, TA; Peck, AI; Phillimore, BJ; Prathalingam, SR; Plumb, RW; Ramsay, H; Rice, CM; Ross, MT; Scott, CE; Sehra, HK; Shownkeen, R; Sims, S; Skuce, CD; Smith, ML; Soderlund, C; Steward, CA; Sulston, JE; Swann, M; Sycamore, N; Taylor, R; Tee, L; Thomas, DW; Thorpe, A; Tracey, A; Tromans, AC; Vaudin, M; Wall, M; Wallis, JM; Whitehead, SL; Whittaker, P; Willey, DL; Williams, L; Williams, SA; Wilming, L; Wray, PW; Hubbard, T; Durbin, RM; Bentley, DR; Beck, S; Rogers, J The DNA sequence and comparative analysis of human chromosome 20. Nature 2001;414(6866):865-71.
Sulston, J; Society and the human genome. Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Memorial Lecture. Biochemical Society transactions 2001;29(Pt 2):27-31.
Bentley, DR; Deloukas, P; Dunham, A; French, L; Gregory, SG; Humphray, SJ; Mungall, AJ; Ross, MT; Carter, NP; Dunham, I; Scott, CE; Ashcroft, KJ; Atkinson, AL; Aubin, K; Beare, DM; Bethel, G; Brady, N; Brook, JC; Burford, DC; Burrill, WD; Burrows, C; Butler, AP; Carder, C; Catanese, JJ; Clee, CM; Clegg, SM; Cobley, V; Coffey, AJ; Cole, CG; Collins, JE; Conquer, JS; Cooper, RA; Culley, KM; Dawson, E; Dearden, FL; Durbin, RM; de Jong, PJ; Dhami, PD; Earthrowl, ME; Edwards, CA; Evans, RS; Gillson, CJ; Ghori, J; Green, L; Gwilliam, R; Halls, KS; Hammond, S; Harper, GL; Heathcott, RW; Holden, JL; Holloway, E; Hopkins, BL; Howard, PJ; Howell, GR; Huckle, EJ; Hughes, J; Hunt, PJ; Hunt, SE; Izmajlowicz, M; Jones, CA; Joseph, SS; Laird, G; Langford, CF; Lehvaslaiho, MH; Leversha, MA; McCann, OT; McDonald, LM; McDowall, J; Maslen, GL; Mistry, D; Moschonas, NK; Neocleous, V; Pearson, DM; Phillips, KJ; Porter, KM; Prathalingam, SR; Ramsey, YH; Ranby, SA; Rice, CM; Rogers, J; Rogers, LJ; Sarafidou, T; Scott, DJ; Sharp, GJ; Shaw-Smith, CJ; Smink, LJ; Soderlund, C; Sotheran, EC; Steingruber, HE; Sulston, JE; Taylor, A; Taylor, RG; Thorpe, AA; Tinsley, E; Warry, GL; Whittaker, A; Whittaker, P; Williams, SH; Wilmer, TE; Wooster, R; Wright, CL The physical maps for sequencing human chromosomes 1, 6, 9, 10, 13, 20 and X. Nature 2001;409(6822):942-3.
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