Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Luc Montagnier and Harald zur Hausen, 2008
An honorary Doctor of Science degree from Tulane University, May 2009.
Barré-Sinoussi F., Chermann J.C., Rey F., Nugeyre M.T., Chamaret S., Gruest J., Dauguet C., Axler-Blin C., Brun-Vezinet F., Rouzioux C., Rozenbaum W., Montagnier L. : Isolation of a T-lymphotropic retrovirus from a patient at risk for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Science, 1983, 220 : 868-871
Klatzman D., Cavaille-Coll M., Brunet J.B., Rozenbaum W., Kerbaum S., Barré-Sinoussi F., Chermann J.C., Montagnier L., Gluckman J.C. : Immune status of AIDS patients in France : Relationship with LAV tropism. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 1984, 437 : 228-237
Rey M.A., Spire B., Dormont D., Barré-Sinoussi F., Montagnier L., Chermann J.C. : Characterization of the RNA dependent DNA polymerase of a new human T-lymphotropic retrovirus (Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 1984, 121 : 126-133
Chermann J.C., Barré-Sinoussi F., Dauguet C., Brun-Vezinet F., Rouzioux C., Rozenbaum W., Montagnier L. : Isolation of a new retrovirus in a patient at risk for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Antibiot. and Chemother., 1984, 32 : 48-53
Vilmer E., Barré-Sinoussi F., Rouzioux C., Gazengel C., Vezinet-Brun F., Dauguet C., Fischer A., Magnine P., Chermann J.C., Griscelli C., Montagnier L. : Isolation of new lymphotropic retrovirus from two siblings with haemophilia B, one with AIDS. Lancet, 1984, II : 753-757
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Ellrodt A., Barré-Sinoussi F., Le Bras, Nugeyre M.T., Palazzo L., Rey F., Brun-Vezinet F., Rouzioux C., Segond P., Caquet R., Montagnier L., Chermann J.C. : Isolation of a new human T-lymphotropic retrovirus (LAV) from a a married couple of Zairians, one with AIDS, the other with the prodomes. Lancet, 1984, I : 1383-1385
Brun-Vezinet F., Rouzioux C., Barré-Sinoussi F., Klatzmann D., Saimot A.G., Rozenbaum W., Montagnier L., Chermann J.C. : Detection of IgG antibodies to lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV) by ELISA, in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or lymphadenopathy syndrome. Lancet, 1984, I : 1253-1256
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Feorino M.P., Kalyanaraman V.S., Haverkos H.W., Cadradilla C.D., Warfield D.T., Jaffe H.W., Harrison A.K., Goldringer D., Gottlieb M.S., Chermann J.C., Barré-Sinoussi F., Spira T.J., Mc Dougal J.S., Curran J.W., Montagnier L., Murphy F.A., Francis D.P. : Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus (LAV) infection of a blood donor-recipient pair with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Science, 1984, 225 : 69-72
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Mcclure H., Swenson B., King F., Chermann J.C., Barré-Sinoussi F., Montagnier L., Eichberg J., Saxinger C., Gallo R., Alter H., Masur H., Macher A., LaneC., Fauci A. : Experimental infection of chimpanzees with Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus. J. Am. Med. Ass., 1984, 252 : 995
Francis D., Feorino P., Broderson R., Mcclure H., Getchell J., Mcgrath C., Swenson B., Mcdougal S., Palmer E., Harrison A., Barré-Sinoussi F., Chermann J.C., Montagnier L., Curran J., Cabradilla C., Kalyanaraman S. : Infection of chimpanzees with Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus. Lancet, 1984, II : 1276-1277
Magasiny S., Spire B., Barré-Sinoussi F., Chermann J.C. : Genomic variability of selected LAV-Related AIDS retroviruses. AIDS Res., 1986, 2 : 19-30
Rey F., Barré-Sinoussi F., Schmidtmayerova H., Chermann J.C. : Detection and titration of neutralizing antibodies to HIV using an inhibition of the cytopathic effect of the virus on MT4 cells. J. Virol. Methods, 1987, 16 : 239-249
Gout O., Rouquette B., Tournier-Lasserve E., Barré-Sinoussi F., Lyon-Caen O., Chermann J.C. : Acute and regressive encephalopathy coincident with transient isolation of human immunodeficiency virus from cerebrospinal fluid of a seropositive man. Biomed. Pharmacother., 1988, 42 : 15-20
Lunardi-Iskandar Y., Nugeyre M.T., Georgoulias V., Barré-Sinoussi F., Jasmin C., Chermann J.C. : Replication of the human immunodeficiency virus 1 and impaired differentiation of T cells after in vitro infection of bone marrow immature T cells. J. Clin. Invest., 1989, 83 : 610-615
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