- 1981 Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)1989-1991 President, Australian Neuroscience Society
- 1996 Ramaciotti Medal (Ramaciotti Foundation)
- 1999 Burnet Medal (Australian Academy of Science)
- 2001 Officer, Order of Australia (AO)
- 2001 Distinguished Achievement Medallion (Australian Neuroscience Society)
- 2001-2003 President, International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience
- 2001- University Chair (University of Sydney)
- 2001 Excellence in Science (Tall Poppy) Award (Australian Institute of Political Science)
- 2002 Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis Award
- 2003 Centenary Medal
- 2009 Honorary Fellow, Australian Neuroscience Society
Awards of the National Heart Foundation for Excellence in Research
- 1996 Goddard Research Award 1998 Renensson Research Award
- 1999 Malcolm Research Award
- 2000 Almgren Research Award
- 2001 Almgren Research Award
- Werry, E., Liu, G., Lovelace, M., Nagarajah, R., Hickie, I., Bennett, M. Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Interleukin-10 Release From Neonatal Spinal Cord Microglia is Potentiated by Glutamate. Neuroscience. 2011; 175:93-103.
- Bennett, M., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. A Model of NMDA Receptor Control of F-actin Treadmilling in Synaptic Spines and Their Growth. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2010; 0:0.
- Bennett, M. Synapse regression in depression: the role of 5-HT receptors in modulating NMDA receptor function and synaptic plasticity. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2010; 44:301-308.
- Bennett, M., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. P2X(7) regenerative-loop potentiation of glutamate synaptic transmission by microglia and astrocytes. Journal of theoretical biology. 2009; 261:1-16.
- Nguyen, K., Shin, J., Rae, C., Nanitsos, E., Acosta, G., Pow, D., Buljan, V., Bennett, M., Else, P., Balcar, V. Rottlerin Inhibits (Na(+), K (+))-ATPase Activity in Brain Tissue and Alters D: -Aspartate Dependent Redistribution of Glutamate Transporter GLAST in Cultured Astrocytes. Neurochemical research. 2009; 34:1767-74.
- Shin, J., Nguyen, K., Pow, D., Knight, T., Buljan, V., Bennett, M., Balcar, V. Distribution of Glutamate Transporter GLAST in Membranes of Cultured Astrocytes in the Presence of Glutamate Transport Substrates and ATP. Neurochemical research. 2009; 34:1758-66.
- Bennett, M. Positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia: the NMDA receptor hypofunction hypothesis, neuregulin/ErbB4 and synapse regression. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2009; 43:711-721.
- Gunosewoyo, H., Coster, M., Bennett, M., Kassiou, M. Purinergic P2X(7) receptor antagonists: Chemistry and fundamentals of biological screening. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry. 2009; 17:4861-5.
- Liu, G., Nagarajah, R., Banati, R., Bennett, M. Glutamate induces directed chemotaxis of microglia. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2009; 29:1108-1118.
- Bennett, M. Synapse formation and regression in the cortex during adolescence and in schizophrenia. The Medical Journal of Australia. 2009; 190:S14-S16.
- Bennett, M. Criminal law as it pertains to ’’mentally incompetent defendants’’: a McNaughton rule in the light of cognitive neuroscience. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2009; 43:289-299.
- Bennett, M., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. A quantitative model of cortical spreading depression due to purinergic and gap-junction transmission in astrocyte networks. Biophysical journal. 2008; 95:5648-60.
- Gunosewoyo, H., Guo, J., Bennett, M., Coster, M., Kassiou, M. Cubyl amides: Novel P2X(7) receptor antagonists.Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters. 2008; 18:3720-3.
- Hickie, I., Bennett, M. The brain and mind research institute: a unique campus for the integration of clinical and basic neurosciences in Australia. Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. 2008; 16:169-172.
- Bennett, M., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. Origins of the BOLD changes due to synaptic activity at astrocytes abutting arteriolar smooth muscle. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2008; 252:123-130.
- Bennett, M., Buljan, V., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. Purinergic junctional transmission and propagation of calcium waves in cultured spinal cord microglial networks. Purinergic signalling. 2008; 4:47-59.
- Bennett, M., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. Origins of blood volume change due to glutamatergic synaptic activity at astrocytes abutting on arteriolar smooth muscle cells. Journal of theoretical biology. 2008; 250:172-85.
- Bennett, M. Consciousness and hallucinations in schizophrenia: the role of synapse regression. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.2008; 42:915-931.
- Bennett, M., Hacker, P. History of Cognitive Neuroscience. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
- Bennett, M. Dual constraints on synapse formation and regression in schizophrenia: neuregulin, neuroligin, dysbindin, DISC1, MuSK and agrin. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2008; 42:662-677.
- Bennett, M. Stress and anxiety in schizophrenia and depression: glucocorticoids, corticotropin-releasing hormone and synapse regression. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2008; 42:995-1002.
- Gibson, W., Farnell, L., Bennett, M. A quantitative model of ATP-mediated calcium wave propagation in astrocyte networks. In: Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems: Epidemiology, Evolution and Ecology, Immunology, Neural Systems and the Brain, and Innovative Mathematical Methods: v. 2.Switzerland: Birkhauser 2008. p. 193-204.
- Bennett, M. Development of the concept of mind. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry. 2007; 41:943-56.
- Bennett, M., Farnell, L., Gibson, W., Dickens, P. Mechanisms of calcium sequestration during facilitation at active zones of an amphibian neuromuscular junction. Journal of theoretical biology. 2007; 247:230-241.
- Bennett, M. Synaptic P2X7 receptor regenerative-loop hypothesis for depression. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry. 2007; 41:563-71.
- Bennett, M., Dennett, D., Hacker, P., Searle, J. Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language. United States: Columbia University Press, 2007.
- Bennett, M., Gibson, W., Farnell, L. A computational model relating changes in cerebral blood volume to synaptic activity in neurons. NEUROCOMPUTING. 2007; 70:1674-1679.
- Bennett, M., Buljan, V., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. Purinergic junctional transmission and propagation of calcium waves in spinal cord astrocyte networks. Biophysical journal. 2006; 91:3560-71.
- Werry, E., Liu, G., Bennett, M. Glutamate-stimulated ATP release from spinal cord astrocytes is potentiated by substance P. Journal of neurochemistry.2006; 99:924-36.
- Bennett, M., Hacker, P. Language and cortical function: Conceptual developments. Progress in neurobiology. 2006; 80:20-52.
- Liu, G., Kalous, A., Werry, E., Bennett, M. Purine Release from Spinal Cord Microglia Following Elevation of Calcium by Glutamate. Molecular pharmacology. 2006; 70:851-9.
- Lin, Y., Bennett, M. Schwann cells in rat vascular autonomic nerves activated via purinergic receptors. Neuroreport.2006; 17:531-5.
- Bennett, M., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. A quantitative model of purinergic junctional transmission of calcium waves in astrocyte networks. Biophysical journal. 2005; 89:2235-50.
- Bennett, M., Farnell, L., Gibson, W. A quantitative description of the contraction of blood vessels following the release of noradrenaline from sympathetic varicosities. Journal of theoretical biology. 2005; 234:107-22.
- Lin, Y., Bennett, M. Varicosity-Schwann cell interactions mediated by ATP in the mouse vas deferens. Journal of neurophysiology. 2005; 93:2787-96.
- Lemon, G., Brockhausen, J., Li, G., Gibson, W., Bennett, M. Calcium mobilization and spontaneous transient outward current characteristics upon agonist activation of P2Y(2) receptors in smooth muscle cells. Biophysical Journal. 2005; 88:1507-1523. [Abstract]
- Bennett, M., Hacker, P. Emotion and cortical-subcortical function: conceptual developments. Progress in neurobiology.2005; 75:29-52.
- Liu, G., Werry, E., Bennett, M. Secretion of ATP from Schwann cells in response to uridine triphosphate. The European journal of neuroscience. 2005; 21:151-60.